11 May 2013

Da boys

Smith has been doing all his napping on me since he has been sick. (Which makes for a very dirty house.)

He's also been working on eating lately and is slowly getting better.

Also insisting he be carried or next to mom at all times.

He's been practicing sitting up and rolling over.

Smith also enjoys cuddling with big brother Chuck.

We have been keeping busy after school like playing in the sandbox, riding bikes, taking bubble baths, and looking for fish and frogs.

Smith accompanied me to my hair appointment. We couldn't finish the haircut because he was crying. I look like a 12 year old and hope to find time to go back to finish :)

Chuck has been working on potty training. I have actually decided to just let him potty train himself. This week he woke up and asked to wear big boy undies. He made it 3 days with dry undies at school. The other days he decided he was too tired to worry about making it to the potty so just wore a diaper.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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