11 May 2013

Back tracking

Let's start with last weekend shall we?! Dr. flew to Chicago to take his boards. He was gone four days and came back very confident. It could take up to 90 days to get the results. From here on out, there will be no studying, classes, tested, etc. Just work and life in general! Have we been waiting for this day since the whole medical school track began?!?

Dr. Left Saturday morning. Friday night Chuck came down with a 102 fever. He started a cough a few days earlier. I bribed him into taking Tylenol and within hours the fever was under control and gone. We were still suffering from a cough but I am sure it will take 3 weeks to get rid of.

Saturday Chuck's friend from school had a birthday party. Since his fever had come and gone so quick and since it was a swimming party (and he really wouldn't be getting in close contact with people) I took him anyway. He has always liked the pool but has always refused any type of floatation device. I can tell he is growing up because he put on his swimming turtle without hesitation. He enjoyed swimming so much. I am currently trying to book swim lessons at someone's house (with a group of ladies from school.)

Chuck also helped babysit little brother Smith while I took a shower and got dressed. I really think Smith enjoyed it.

Then Dr. returned from his test and we got to see him for a day. He then scurried off to work to cover shifts for someone who had a death in the family. Yes, gone four days, home one, gone six more days. (Currently on our 6th weekend as a trio.)

So now Chuck is better (although still coughing) and Smith is sick. This virus has officially been in our house over a week. Smith, of course, has been having a hard time kicking it. He was sleeping through the night (a 2week run ~ I just haven't mentioned it out of fear I would jinx myself). The past several days he has not kept down most of his bottles although we are getting better each day. He has refused to nap, refused to be put down, and waking up hungry at night since he didn't take all of his bottles. He's had it pretty rough because his teething ran straight into this virus so he has not been himself for about a week and a half.

We can't slow down though~ for fear we may breakdown and go insane. Yesterday Chuck lost TV privileges since he won't get out of the car in the mornings. During our screen free afternoon we broke out the sprinkler for the first time this spring.

Today to keep ourselves busy we ventured to the zoo. I keep thinking I need to join a gym and then I laugh at myself after I strap a 19 pound baby onto the front of me while pushing a 35 pound child in a stroller up and down hills all around the zoo. If that isnt a workout i am not sure what is! Seriously.

After the zoo we came home and ate a cupcake (just for the hell of it ~ I told Chuck he got to pick what we did today and eating a blue cupcake was on the list). We went on a safari outside. And we painted a card board box. I mean why not?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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