15 January 2014

Summer in the Winter

The weather here has been fabulous. It was cold today but the past 4 days it's been warm enough for me to stroll the boys. They have been so great. I have a three mile course I like to walk that works up a sweat pushing them up and down hills. With both boys and the weight of the stroller I am pushing 90lbs! I didn't ask for anything for Christmas because I got a double stroller around thanksgiving. I am so happy I did. I love it! The next few days are going to be warm again so we will be back out again tomorrow!

Chuck was sick (stomach virus?) this weekend so stayed home from school Monday. Our walk got him some fresh air and a nice nap! Smith and I were sick yesterday. We are all fine now. So glad it is over! I am also very thankful it wasn't the flu!

Here's pics of our everyday life...

Smith loves to wrestle his teddy bear!

Smith likes to dress in his workout gear too. Way to keep mom motivated!

Dad is home early enough to sword fight. Mom is glad she gets a break from being stabbed and hit over the head.

Smith plays outside for the first time as a walking little boy!

Chuck is still strong.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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