26 April 2014

Mt. Petit Jean

We went to Northwest Arkansas for Easter weekend with the Webers. We had our own one bedroom cabin which was a lifesaver for the early baby wake ups and also the nights of no sleeping for the four year old. The kitchen also made mealtimes easy.

Smith actually did well with naps and at night. Chuck did not....

I didn't take too many pictures because most of the time I was helping Smith navigate boulders while he searched for little rocks and sticks.

I didn't get to get my workouts in but I thought about all the walking I did. Except all the walking was at a turtles pace.

We were prepared to take Smith on a hike with us but luckily we didn't have to. Not sure how safe it would have been. Chuck went on an easy hike with us to a "cave" but he didn't hike behind the waterfall with us.

Smith did a little "hiking" with his poppy.

Chuck had a ball running free and playing with his cousins.

Smith had fun playing in the dirt and any spilt beverage.

The Easter bunny did find the boys (twice!) and left them lots of goodies.

But with any trip (vacation?), it's always nice to be back in your own bed and back into a routine and the daily grind.

Smith did ok in the car (3 hours at a time). This was a relief since in a month the boys and I will be headed home. We will be stopping half way in Alexandria, LA at a children's museum. We will then continue to New Orleans to meet my parents and stay the night. We will visit the aquarium. On the way back we plan to do the same thing but visit the zoo and insectarium! We also have four days at the beach planned!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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