26 June 2014

Audubon Zoo

So on the way back, we headed back through New Orleans.  It rained the entire 2 1/2 hour drive.  We got there and decided to do lunch and wait for the rain to stop.  It didn't.  We drove and sat in the zoo parking lot and waited for a little bit so the rain would stop.  It didn't.  We finally decided we didn't care about getting wet and headed into the Audubon Zoo.  As soon as we got in the zoo, it stopped raining!  We were the only ones there ( besides maybe one or two other families).  That meant Smith could walk the entire way and there was no chance in either of the boys getting away from us!  It actually was so wonderful to have the zoo all to ourselves!

Granna and Bob Bob were troopers 

Smith made sure no puddle was left untouched ( He even sat in a few... another reason and empty zoo was a good thing.)

Chuck has a thing for Tiki heads

I wish I had gotten a picture of the kitty cat trying to eat Smith's head ( through the glass of course.)

Our (not so) successful attempt at a photo booth.

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