25 June 2009

the recovery

the doctor called today and said that molly did great during her surgery (yeah!!!!) he said they found a cyst on or near her kidney where a follicle must have dropped back in during the initial spaying. this cyst was producing the estrogen that was causing her to go into heat every three to four weeks (at least that is what i understood from what he was telling me.... you know i am not the one to rely on to relay medical info...)

we are welcome to pick molly up at 5 tomorrow afternoon. she is recovering from surgery at the hospital tonight and tomorrow ( which i am very thankful for!)

i was so worried about her all day and was glad to have the doctor call me personally and sound like it was no big deal. very relieving for molly's mom. i was worried that after she got re-spayed, we may see a personality change in her which would just be horrible to lose such a personality. hopefully she will gain weight but i found on the internet ( and unfortunately I believe eerything i read on the internet) that " behaviorally speaking, she acts spayed most of the time and no personality change should be noted."

phew! she will still be our good ol' molly girl!

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