25 June 2009

surgery day

well, i am writing this with tears in my eyes. we took molly to the vet today to get her surgery. she has been in heat for two days and they said they would be able to do her surgery today or tomorrow. molly is very difficult to get in a cat carrier. last time it took dr. about an hour and half to get her in the carrier. he emerged with scratches all over his body and a cat that ran away from him for about a week. i was dreading this day for molly, not only because of the massive surgery she is having but also having to traumatize her by trying to put her in the carrier.

i had a brilliant plan to borrow a dog kennel from our awesome next door neighbor. after she finished laughing hysterically, she offered up her travel kennel so that we would not have to squeeze molly into a 5 inch diameter hole. the vet thought it was pretty hysterical too when we showed up with a 5 pound cat in a kennel for a 60 pound dog. molly actually kind of enjoyed it because we sat her in the grass for a while and let her enjoy the smell of fresh air.

we all know that i am terrified of hospital/ doctor offices. unfortunately i feel the same way towards vet officess. dr. lugged the kennel in the office. abut 5 minutes after he went into the office, a man in a hummer drove up. i thought he was going to get a god out but he had a tiny little carrier with his cat. dr. said when the man came into the office, his cat was screaming and molly (in her big mansion dog carrier) was just so quiet sitting there looking at the cat thinking either:
a. that sucks, you're in heat too?
b. look how much bigger my cage is compared to yours!
c. can you please be quiet?

i was very proud of my kitty for not being the most annoying cat in there.

molly will most likely be coming home tomorrow with a enormous incision so she will need tender lovin' care for about a week.

we are looking forward to many nights full of peace and are looking forward to molly gaining a little weight after being fully spayed so we now longer look like we are depriving our kitty of food.

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