08 November 2009


Well, the chinese calendar says that we are going to have a girl. Everybody has guessed a girl. The ONLY people that think it is going to be a boy is me and Laney. (Hey, a four year old is better than no one!)

I don't think I can wait a whole week to find out. I HAVE to know now! Geez, I think I am going to lose a lot of sleep in the upcoming days.

I am not sure if I am feeling Baby Weber move or not. I am feeling something but can't decide if I would describe it as butterfly feelings. Hmmmm. Anyways, Baby Weber should be able to hear by now (so we are assuming baby will arrive with at least a second grade education) and should also like it when I rub my belly (just gotta make sure I don't have to pat my head and chew gum while doing it.)

Oh, and whatever happened to giving teachers vacation? I have been going nonstop since Labor Day and I am about to go postal....( there was no smile on my face when I typed that. )

If anyone sees Dr., tell him his wife and his baby said "Hello". Seriously.....

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