22 February 2010

Feelin' the Pressure

Well, well, well,

We had our doctor's appointment today. We raced to the doc's office after work. Our blood pressure was up again. We were at 152/102. Bah humbug.... oops wrong season.... They checked it again at the end of the appointment ( about 15 minutes later) and it had gone down to 139 over 90 something. Which is better, but not good. You want it to be below 140 on top and 80 on bottom. She told me we need to watch it and that Dr. should check it before he went to work tonight. We just checked it at 5:45 and it was 135/80. That is good.... but so close to being bad!!!

So now I have to go every week instead of every two weeks. Have I said bah humbug yet? Dr. is supposed to check my blood pressure daily to make sure it stays decent. When I asked what you do about high blood pressure, she said first we would try bed rest NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... that is my worst fear..... then we would try medication...... then we would deliver. Surely it won't even get the the medication point. I am going to be the biggest slacker in weeks to come so I don't have to do the bed rest thing.

On top of all that, baby's mama is sick. I am just snifflin' up a storm, can't breath at night once I lay down. Am coughing ( which every time I cough I think baby chuck is going to arrive). She recommend me take a Benadryl tonight and get a loooooooooooong gooooooooooood night sleep. I haven't gotten much rest at all in the last 2 weeks..... which could also be some reason for my blood pressure.

I told her I definitely feel pregnant now. This morning I felt like my tum tum could not get any bigger. Not sure if I could waddle or walk any slower. I do think though, that the sickness I have is not helping the pregnancy feeling at all. She said that I am 33 weeks preggers and that I am going to have to deal with it. I guess I am lucky for making it this long without really feling anything at all! Can you believe that we could actually have a baby in 4 weeks. Yep! In 4 weeks, I will be 37 weeks which is considered full term...... ahhhhhhh.... i think my blood pressure just went up!

Well, I am going to see Dr. off to work. We have breathing class tomorrow and on Wednesday, Dr. takes his big inservice test!!! Good Luck baby's daddy!!!!!

Hope everyone's Monday was better than mine!!!

Love you all!

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