21 February 2010

Lots going on~

Wowsers, what an active little one we have today. This baby has to have the largest rear end of any baby... ever. It seems as if he can't get comfortable or he just enjoys feeling his mama squirming. For the past two days he has not stopped moving his rump back and forth. Dr. rarely gets to feel the movement because he stops right when he puts his hand on my stomach but today he gave him a good show. I am not sure what he is up to in there. At least it doesn't hurt but it is the most uncomfortable feeling that never stops.

Dr. says I am starting to seem a little tired. He is totally right. I am exhausted by Wednesday night but make it through the day on Thursday and Fridays because of the adrenaline that hits once I get to school.

I went to aerobics class on Saturday that they are doing for all the faculty. I made it into a class for pregnant people. Just did my own thing in the corner while baby Chuck and I listened to the beat of the music. Maybe that's why Chuck is mad at me today! I just felt like I needed to move because I know any day now, the swelling is going to appear.

Tomorrow Chuck and I have an appointment at 3 o'clock. Dr. is working nights so he will miss this appointment too. Last time, it lasted a big ten minutes. We have our second childbirth class on Tuesday. We thought Dr. was going to miss it which I wasn't really looking forward to since it is on breathing techniques. I mean my coach has to know the techniques to get me through this. Luckily, it seems we have been reading the schedule lately and he WILL get to come to class with me after all!!!...... If they let us come back after our inability to stay focused last time!!

Dr. had a great birthday. Well, as great as you can have when you are feeling pretty bad. He got a lot of yummy food while MK and Doc, and Honey and Grandma were here! He got lots of goodies and more games for his Playstation 3! Dr. also asked for a stroller for his son. Thank you to MK and Doc for buying Chuck his stroller and car seat!!! They should be arriving soon so I will take the cars and get the car seats installed. ( For some reason I trust the firemen to do it instead of me or Dr.) Now we will be able to take Chuck home from the hospital with us!

It was a beautiful day here yesterday. Since Dr. was sleeping, baby Chuck and I did aerobics and then picked up a sandwich and went to the reservoir to eat. It was so nice sitting in the sun watching the sail boats sail by and the dogs playing frisbee. We SO needed that sunshine. ( I would do anything for sun at this point). We then drove down to the dam and watched a fishing rodeo that was going on. The reservoir dams up the Pearl River. So there were about 50 boats in the Pearl River ( which is only about 50 feet across) all trying to fish. I am surprised no one had tumped over or gotten hooked!!! There were also about 100 people standing on either side of the bank. We sat and watched them fish for a few minutes. Before we left, we stopped by the ladies room ( public restroom at the dam) so we would be able to make it home. I walked into the bathroom and, I am not kidding you, the bathroom was SWARMING with ladybugs. There had to be about 250 ladybugs in the bathroom. It was just amazing. I felt like I had walked into some type of dream as I navigated my way through the swarms. Such a nice ending to a beautiful day. I was hoping for another pretty day but I think the cold weather is back again for a few days. I REALLY need spring. Seems like this winter has been too long!

HOpe everyone is having a great Sunday!

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