10 March 2010

2 days down

who knows how many more days to go! Yesterday was the first day of bed rest. Pretty boring I would say. I had a little trouble "resting". I would insert 5 minutes of laundry or taking out the trash into every hour of rest. Today I couldn't do it. I felt so bad this morning I thought for sure Chuck was going to surprise us today. I went and got my hair done anyways and am so glad I did. It made me feel so much better to be out and about. After that I did some work on the computer, took a little nap and now I am laying around again. Trying to lay on your side for 24/7 is not comfortable. By this morning my hips hurt so bad. When you are preggers and you lay on your back, your uterus presses against some artery and will make your blood pressure go up so I have been trying to stay on my side. I felt like I had broken hips this morning when I woke up!

I have the dearest friends here! My dear friend Kristin brought us lasagna, peanut butter and banana cobbler and french bread for dinner. She is planning on feeding us for two more nights. Did I mention Kristin's husband is an ER resident. She is a stay at home mom with two kids and one on the way. If anything makes me feel worthless it is that she is cooking me dinner. She should be on bed rest, not me! I am so thankful that we have found so many wonderful friends and she will definitely get paid back after Baby Chuck has arrived and baby boy Husainy is closer to making his appearance! I think sometimes I feel bad exposing people to my cooking though. I would hate to kill someone or give someone food that is just plain gross!

Dr. has four more days of work before he gets another day off. I feel like everything seems to work out as planned or just plain work out. So I have decided that Chuck will probably wait for a day that his daddy is off work to make his debut so I don't have to panic trying to get in touch with him and the residents don't have to race around to cover Dr's shift. So I think we are in the clear until at least Sunday night! You may all chill out until then. We will take it from there.

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