08 March 2010


We had a day full of adventure. Our appointment was at 2:30 today. We went right in and got a sonogram. Every time we have been for a sonogram, we have had a trainee which is awesome because it takes about 30 or 45 minutes for the lady to explain things to her so we get tons of extra time looking at Baby Chuck. Supposedly our little lad has TONS of hair! Last time he had no hair so I had prepared myself for a bald baby! Well, it turns out that he has a big fro going on in there. Can't wait to see what color it is!

Then it was time to see the doctor. Yes, my blood pressure was up again. The doctor asked if I had been taking it easy. I tried to explain that it is hard to when you are OCD. She laughed but I told her I was trying to be truthful. She insisted that strict bed rest begin ASAP. She would not give me the four more days until Spring Break.

So after the strict bed rest comment, she admitted me to the hospital. Yes, it is true. We walked over the the hospital, had to get in the hospital gown and get strapped to all these monitors. We were watching the baby's heart rate, my contractions, and my blood pressure. So after two hours, my blood pressure went down to normal. The entire time the baby was perfect and I was just having Braxton Hicks contractions ( which I wasn't even feeling). I hate to admit this but it was rather peaceful being in the hospital and not being able to do anything.

Anyways, after a four hour doctor's appointment, we were discharged from the hospital and told everything is perfectly normal. All tests came back fine. Just go home and don't get up. So here I am. In bed. Nothing wrong but I can't get up. I can go potty and to the fridge but other than that I can't do it.

I am not really that surprised. I have just been waiting this whole pregnancy for someone to finally say... ok, you have to stop this or you can't do that anymore. Not just you probably shouldn't but to finally say STOP. So here it is. I have to relax. I am NOT good at that.

My doctor said a lot of people take up knitting. I told her that just mentioning that made my blood pressure go up. Don't think I am going to sit and do nothing. I will have my computer in my lap 24/7 emailing and working from home.

OK, I am trying to think if there is anything else. Oh, Chuck is 6 pounds and 3oz. He is measuring in the 75 percentile... still about a week and a few days ahead of what he should be ( pretty much same as last time.)

I think that is all for now. I will either be writing a lot out of boredom or not at all out of the pure nothingness that has become my daily life. Did I mention I have officially been on bed rest for an hour and I am bored.

OK gotta find something to do.

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