08 April 2010

First doctor's visit

Today Chuck is two weeks old!!! We had his two week check up right before lunch. We got all nice and clean in a bath and put on our best outfit. We made sure we were fed before we got into the car to go. Apparently, the doctor excitement was too much because we stayed awake the entire visit and did not make a peep! We did make sure we worked really hard on that diaper while we were waiting in the waiting room. The nurse weighed and measured him. Chuck weighs 7 pounds and 1 ounce ( the one ounce might be the diaper!). He is also 19 1/2 inches long ( i know... he was 20 in the hospital but the nurse says the hospital measures differently... whatever). His..... um.... man parts were doing great. His umbilical cord is still attached but making progress. We really liked the doctor and she thought he was a beautiful baby... of course we already knew that. So all went well at the doctor and we will go back on May 24th for his two month check up when we will get our shots...... boooo.

All dressed and ready for the doctor in my outfit Miss Lois gave me.

I'm a little bit nervous about this whole doctor thing!

As long as mommy is here, I am ok! ( What does mommy look tired or something?)

Oooh, I didn't know my thumb could be this good!


Fenilalanina said...

OMG! This pictures are adorable! he looks so cute, tiny, adorable, you look great too! I guess Chuck is right you look a little tired, but I still think you look great! can't wait to meet baby Chuck!!!

Fenilalanina said...

Oh! and Zofia, Dom's mom agrees with me you look GREAT!!! and also that Chuck is an adorable baby!! we want to hug him !! <3