21 September 2010


Well, some of you may have heard of the book "The Help". It is a book that is "set during the nascent civil rights movement in Jackson, Miss., where black women were trusted to raise white children but not to polish the household silver." Many believe that this book actually took place IN Fondren. Anyways, they are actually filming the movie here in Fondren. As most of you know, our neighborhood (Fondren) has a small downtown. Cute, old, quaint buildings.... somewhat run down. In the past two weeks, I noticed that the yoga studio had been painted like an old shell station. The cleaners, and the shoe hospital had gotten new signs and all the buildings had gotten their old awnings redone and their outside walls painted. The old movie theatre got a great sign and a fresh coat of paint too. Downtown is flourishing and looks so cute thanks to the movie crews that have been working on all the buildings to make them camera ready! What a great addition to our Fondren downtown that is just a couple of blocks from our house! Check out the little newspaper link about it by clicking here!!

We think little man may be back on his waking up once a night schedule. I was wondering when he was going to go back to that schedule. The ear infection threw him off. Just felt miserable I think.... but what a good sport he was. He really was a trooper through all that throwing up and that high temperature but we are so thankful he is feeling good and back to normal.

We are still not in our classrooms at school. I am still in an empty classroom with gorgeous white walls while another 2nd grade class has class on the stage!.... seriously. We have NO idea when we will get to move back "home". Our students have adapted well but it has placed a pretty big damper on the teachers. We are isolated from each other and never get to see each other which makes our day very uneventful. We usually keep each other laughing so that we don't mind being at work everyday but lately we just have no motivation to do any extra. We show up, teach our kids and get out of school as quickly as possible. It is so sad because we miss each other so much and used to have so much fun! We are all in totally different sections of the school. One of the 2nd grade teachers is pregnant with her 3rd child (the 1st child is adopted) so she is deciding whether she is going to come back next year and the other one is trying to decide whether this location is where she needs to be. So that leaves me with a hard decision. I can stick it out one more year by myself ( although there is some hope they might be staying..... maybe with some convincing) or spend my last year in a different school ( you can transfer schools after you have worked somewhere 3 years). If I am the only one that stays, I will have to be team leader which means that I will have to dedicate a significant amount of time to meetings and paperwork. So, we will see how things progress, I have a feeling that if we don't get back into our rooms soon they may see the entire second grade team vanish before their eyes. The longer we are away from each other the worse it is going to get.

On a lighter note..... well maybe not so much lighter..... here is a video of our little man..... with his chair stuck on his hiney....gotta love the fat rolls!

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