15 September 2010

On the mend

Today, Chuckman went to daycare. He gave everyone a big smile when we walked in the room. When his teacher picked him up, he hugged her. It was the sweetest thing. They said he was a wee bit grumpy but when asked if he was really bad they said that he is so chill that anything seems bad from him and that he was ok.... I think our little man has gotten moody in the past few days. He still goes to sleep without a fight but wakes up about 20 minutes later and then just yells. In fact, he is yelling right now. I think he ( and everyone) is so tired from this past weekend and from the beginning of the week that he just doesn't know what to do. I am glad he survived at daycare because he really needs to get back to his rigid schedule so everything will be back to normal for all of us! He just finished his third day of antibiotics.

We are now a big boy! We are sitting up ..... not all by ourselves quite yet. We have changed from the baby tub to a big boy seat because we were dying to stand up in the tub. The big boy seat allows us to see what is going on and lets us splash our hands but it keeps us in one spot more than the tub did. Sorry the picture is a little blurry but aren't those little legs just adorable sticking out like that!

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