12 September 2010

Sick Baby

Looks like Chuckems is a little under the weather today. He seemed to be slowing down a little yesterday. Took a very long nap and drank all his bottles but didn't have the excitement about his bottles that he normally does. We all slept off and on last night. So far today he has been moaning ( is my child just really dramatic) and when he does finally shut his tired eyes, he only sleeps for ten minutes.

I was fighting a 24 hour tummy bug yesterday and I am guessing I passed it along. Looks like the only thing that makes it better is his daddy. Daddy is working 11 am to 11 pm today but luckily we fell asleep right after daddy left. We have been asleep for a good 30 minutes! Wish us luck! Luckily, daddy is off Monday and Tuesday.

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