29 October 2010


I noticed when I was taking a shower this morning that the water pressure was extremely low. I figured they might be working somewhere. When I pulled out of the driveway this morning, I noticed that there was water pouring out of the street right under Dr.'s car. So I called him and told him to come out and move his car so it wouldn't fall into a sink hole! Dr. immediately called the water company so we could go ahead and get in line to be fixed. This was the sight this morning. All the white stuff on the street is the water pouring out of the pavement.

Can you believe that they show up to fix the water main break at 9 at night!!! They are jack hammering 20 feet from Chuck's window. Our chill little man has not stirred yet..... and let's hope it stays that way because this mama is fighting a migraine.

What a pleasant Friday night!

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