26 October 2010

Dinner time

We just had the worst meal ever.... and I cooked it. I am going ahead and admitting it so when it is talked and laughed about later, you all will know that my feelings aren't hurt.

I guess I should start off by saying that before even beginning the cooking process, the lid of the cast iron pot was stuck on. That should have been a sign and I should have gone straight to McDondalds. Dr. finally got the lid off after a good 5 minutes so that I could proceed in making my "one-pot meal" where everything goes in one pot and you have a well rounded dinner. I should have known that it was not possible.... for me anyways. ( Again, I am trying to find easy ways to work, raise a child, and be a wife...... work smart, not hard, right?) Ok... so I continue to fix my one pot meal.... the second sign I should of stopped is when I spilled half of the potatoes on the floor. But I was persistent. Our meal was to cook for 40 minutes. At about 35 minutes, I ventured back to the kitchen and as I swam through the smoke I should have realized that yet there was another sign that dinner was not going to be good. The smoking cast iron pot was then taken outside onto the deck while it finished smoking. Unfortunately, when it finished smoking there was no big reveal because we couldn't get the lid off again. I would have paid a million dollars for a picture of what the two of us looked like with oven mitts on, standing on the back deck, staring at our dinner that was trapped inside the pot. After about 15 minutes of tugging, a knife was used to pry the lid off so that we could let the remainder of the smoke out.

Do I have to restate what I said at the beginning of the post? This was the worst dinner ever. I ate one carrot and had to stop because of the putrid taste of smoke. Some how, Dr. is sitting next to me with a clean plate... what a sweetie. My next post will be about the number of hours he spent bowing to the porcelain throne. ( Update: Dr. just turned to me and said "that was not good... at all. I feel like I am going to have cancer now.") Yes my friends, it was that bad. We did just come to a conclusion that all the ingredients were right but it just didn't work out. All in all... it is the thought that counts.

So, bad attempt at dinner #573 happened on the evening of October 26th. I'm ok with it. On my list next time I go to target is a cast iron pot with a removable lid and a non-smoking coating.

Now, for a peanut butter sandwich. ( Oh, and a shower because my hair reeks of cast iron smoke.

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