26 October 2010

'Tis the season

Now, I will admit right now, that when looking for my lifetime partner, I was looking for someone who would keep me laughing. The ability to cook/bake was at the end of my list if even on my list at all. Apparently, Dr. did not have it too high on his list either ( thank goodness... see last post entitled "dinner time"). With that being said, Dr. has trumped all attempts at making me laugh and he did it without trying too hard.

Picture this.... Dr. arrives home from a long day of work with groceries containing ingredients for a baking activity. In his back pocket, Dr. pulls out three recipes containing pumpkin. OK, I thought. It is fall. Let's give it a try. Unfortunately, Dr. wanted the pumpkin baked goods last night when I really needed to be getting my grades done. So, Dr. went about baking by himself in the kitchen. I knew that his baking plan was going to consist of pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, or pumpkin cheesecake. Last night he opted for the cookies. They are actually called Gob cookies that you are supposed to sandwich icing between two of the "gobs" (double doozie if you will).

Dr. followed the directions perfectly. Even putting the dough in a ziploc bag and cutting off a corner to make these spiral gob cookies. Well, it turns out that these cookies were no cookies at all. When they came out of the oven they were actually pumpkin bread. They were exactly like bread that someone had cooked in a small circle. I will admit that these "cookies" were pretty good. However, it was very difficult to actually "stomach" them when they looked like this......

This whole cookie experience has given a whole new meaning to the saying "a pile of shit" and has given a much needed laugh....

Grandma Margrave, I know you are proud.

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