13 November 2010


Well it is true... the Mississippi Weber clan are all under the weather. Chuck and Dr. came down with the sniffles and runny nose/cough first. Chuck woke up yesterday with red watery eyes and was having problems drinking his bottle ( and still is) because of the stuffiness. After a long night last night, ( which included mom and Chuck having to sleep sitting up so Chuck could breathe, and an occasion of vomiting because the congestion made him gag) mom is now an innocent victim of the yuckiness. Luckily, all the stuffiness is visiting over the weekend which means no one is missing already paid for daycare or work. I had great ambitions to get all the laundry done and the house vacuumed, but really who was I kidding anyway. Today, will now be a pajama day for mom and Chuck while Dr. saves the lives of our fellow Jacksonians. I will worry about the laundry and house over Thanksgiving break.

This whole raising a child thing really messes with my OCD, organization, planning problem .... I am tolerating it and think I am adjusting quite well.

Now, this gal is going to try and lay down while the little squirt is napping. ( Oops, I hear some stirring.... I think I just jinxed myself. That's ashame.)

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