30 January 2011

On the Mends

This morning Chuck woke up and was incredibly wheezy. I was wondering if he was actually getting enough air. Dr. said that if he was still like that when he headed to work tonight that CHuck and I would go with him and get his saturation levels checked.... see how much oxygen he was actually getting.

As the day went on, Chuck improved. He has been almost 40 hours without vomiting. He started eating again today and started napping on his normal schedule. He did all this on his own. I didn't force him to do anything today. He was back to his little busy body self..... which means he was everywhere. Not back to 100% but looking like he will be able to go to daycare on Tuesday. Not sure when his chest will actually clear up. Seems like he will be wheezing for a while.

So we will chill out at home tomorrow and spend some quality time licking everything in sight (hmmm maybe that's why he is sick). His curriculum at daycare that they were working with him this past month was "dropping things on purpose". Now, I thought the daycare was supposed to be on mama's side but I tell you what..... There is one little boy who is about to drive his mama crazy! So tomorrow, I guess we will continue to learn about cause and effect and continue to drop stuff on purpose just so mama can work on her abs and bend over to pick it up. Now, we just need to work on "uh oh" so the whole dropping things can be cute.

Chuck helped mom fix some lunch. ( I think he really saw the Blue Moon Beer in the back of the fridge.)

Helped mom get the clothes out of the dryer (Did I mention I found Molly in there yesterday? I wonder who shut her in there? Probably the little guy who she follows constantly.)
He also helped make sure the dryer was set to the right settings.

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