13 December 2011

Speaking tongues?

The newest thing Chuck is doing lately is talking in sentences. He has started putting words together and most of the time you are trying to keep up with him and have no idea what in heavens name he is talking about. He sounds something like this....

"Iklf kdjig izspwpeo hat dklfjlsidj go slkdfj lksdfj yellow."

He is completely talking craziness with his words he can say mixed in ( which I started making a list the other day and then quit because there are sooo many). I have absolutely no idea what was happening in the bath but the child had a whole conversation with me and I didn't understand one word. Which is not typical because we are a one word kind of guy.

The other day Dr. picked Chuck up from school so I could go to a PTA meeting. While they were playing, Chuck looked at Dr. and said "Mama go, Dada". I guess he meant that since Mama wasn't here then that meant Dada was.

Anyways, our new word for today is "deer" ( with our hands on the head for antlers.)

And also, you know the skin was taken off the hand by the wagon at daycare. We have a nice bright pink scar ( the whole size of his hand) that Dr. said will be there for at least a year. Did you know that everyday that little boy looks at his hand and comes to find me to tell me he has a boo boo and that I need to kiss it for him. Sweet boy. Oh, and today he insisted that I sit in his lap on the sofa. INSISTED. And he rubbed my back while I sat in his lap. What a little nurturer.

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