03 February 2013

Super Sunday

Definitely not Super Bowl Sunday. I'm not going to mention it just in case Dr. forgot. Maybe I can get away with going to the store alone in a little bit.

Today has been fun but exhausting. Dr. has had problems sleeping so caught up today.

This morning I gave Chuck an water dropper, water, a bath tablet to color the water and a muffin plan. He worked on transferring the water from one place to the other.

He started with yellow water, then wanted blue, then red. After changing his water, he started mixing them and noticing color change. So, I sent him outside and let him experiment a little while I cleaned.

We then got out his memory game from Santa (from CVS) and matched some of our cards. He actually started making some patterns so maybe some pattern work is in our future!

I was itching to enjoy this weather and Chuck kept talking about fishing so I packed up the boys and took them to the playground. I was a little nervous about feeding Smith but I ended up just hiding behind the stroller. There were at least 3 other moms there nursing their babies.

Chuck and I had a picnic.... Well actually I didn't get to eat until we got home... But Chuck got to eat! He then ran around "shooting French fries at that guy". I'm not sure what that really meant but there was something cool going on in that little head of his!

Smith enjoyed his time outside, getting some fresh air.

This is the first time we have ever been to this playground but had a good time. We even went for a little "hike" on a trail!

Can't wait for Monday! I need some rest :)

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my iPhone

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