07 September 2013

Crying and Whining

Well, we made it to the museum, home for lunch and then shopping. We ran into Chuck's friend a the museum that we barbecued with so that was nice for both of us. We got to chat and play with people our own age.

Smith got a little rowdy at the end so we headed home with a little detour for a happy meal.

Since the boys only napped for about 5 minutes in the car, I decided to get my errands done.

It was Chuck's first time at a mall and he was mesmerized. We rode some rides while we were there.

We had to go get Smith some jammies and clothes. Smith is at a totally different stage than Chuck was in the size vs season so is hurting a little bit with clothes. Smith is starting to wear what Chuck wore near his 1st birthday but that would have been March. It's just not working.

I think we are going to have to look into shoes soon for Smith. He isn't very good at crawling but works on standing up all the time. Even wanted to walk around the museum while holding both my hands. Chuck didn't walk until we got him a solid pair of shoes.

I always have high hopes of a good night of sleep after no naps but it usually turns out the opposite and means they are both going to wake up all night long. Nothing unusual for our house this week.

So today even though it seems like we did a lot, I had one crying the majority of the time and one whining. This totally describes our day.

Hope your day turned out better than ours.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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