02 September 2013

Labor Day

Today we finished up our weekend with a play date and BBQ. We went to the house of a little boy that was in Chuck's old class. He is a year younger but they played so well together. Apparently the little boy has had some hard times with not having Chuck in the class anymore.
So they just invited us over to play. They said they wanted to get to know us too.... :)

We actually had a great time. These were the most down to earth people we have met in Tyler. We had only met the husband once and I had talked with the mom a few times. They also have a 3 month old.

Chuck did not get a nap today so was pretty tired when we left and shed some tears. Smith did not nap today either (I need a stiff drink) but was a trooper and didn't pitch a fit even though it was an hour and a half past bedtime!

Time to go back to school tomorrow. Everyone should be worn out from this weekend; I know I am exhausted.

Smith has started to spend his day working on pulling up.

He has so started feeding himself.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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