06 September 2013

Fall "Fetibal"

I don't know if I have mentioned it, but I am in charge of Fall Festival this year. And I mean in charge of everything from raising the money to finding the food, getting the games and activities together, and collecting things for the silent auction. I was a little worried about raising money but we have almost $3,000 in hand and have a few more checks on the way. We advertise for businesses by making banners as well as accept gifts from individual families.

Last year after selling tickets and doing the auction and raising money through sponsorships, we made about $5,500. Here's hoping we hit that or get close, I don't want my year to look dinky!

Today the shipment of 229 cans of silly string arrived! Chuck was a little excited and said that he can't wait until Fall "Fetibal"!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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