16 February 2014

On speed

I'm pretty sure both boys are being supplied with some type of speed on the black market. They are keeping me BUSY.

After dinner Wednesday night we woke to Chuck puking. No one got any sleep. Dr. was too excited about the hunting trip. I was trying to sleep in Chuck's room but every little movement I would jump out of bed thinking I needed to catch puke in a bowl. My housekeeper kept telling me I needed two sets of sheets for each bed in the house. I finally got all the bedrooms taken care of. After the pukefest Wednesday , I'm very glad I had extra sheets. We went through every set of twin sheets, all the towels and blankets we had in the house. I was secretly thanking my housekeeper because I was prepared.

So Chuck stayed home Thursday but was fine for Valentines day! The boys each got two books and balloons. The balloons will last for weeks and will provide ample entertainment.

We had two birthday parties on Saturday. We were out of the house until 2. That means we missed naptime. I just knew I was going to get a real great nap from Smith but he decided not to nap at all.

Smith is ready for the parties.

Smith playing at party # 1.

Chuck at party # 2.

And wrestle mania instead of napping. (Smith looks like the one losing when in fact he was winning. He was just crying because he was tired and boycotting the nap.)

It was beautiful this weekend so Sunday we got up and went to the zoo.

This is the first time we have ever seen the otters swimming.

Smith was very interested today. This is the first time he has noticed the animals.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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