08 February 2010

An Apple a Day

Baby Chuck and I visited the doctor today. We are down to our two week appointments. Dr. stayed sleeping because I knew it was going to be a quickie and he has to work the night shift tonight. First of all, the next baby I have, I am going to make sure I get pregnant and give birth in the same year. This paying two deductibles that they hit me with today was somewhat surprising..... I mean I wasn't that surprised but I was hoping they just wouldn't say anything.... they did though. So I just finished paying my last payment the last visit but I got to start all over today!

On a brighter note, Chuck's heart rate is just beating along and his kicking is getting a little outrageous. I think people at school are starting to take bets on my delivery date because they don't think I am going to last until April and they think he has started dropping. Someone told me I looked very FULL today. I said "I did have a fabulous lunch of fresh berries and spinach" and went on my merry ( or should I say mary) way.

I have been stressing because I just knew my blood pressure was starting to creep. Not that I feel any different. It just seems as though this whole "pregnant" thing has been so easy that surely something big is going to hit at any moment.... I think I am a walking time bomb. Well, my blood pressure was 132/90. Which I thought was surprisingly good... as long as it is below 140, right.... apparently I haven't been paying attention to the bottom number which the nurses seemed to think was rather high. Poop, I thought I got a good reading on the blood pressure. Well, the nurse knows I am a teacher and understands that arriving at the doctor only 15 minutes after leaving 18 2nd graders would cause anybody's blood pressure to be high. So they took it again when my appointment was over and I was at 124/72 which is significantly better! I laid down while I was waiting for them to come back and closed my eyes and pretended like I was laying on a warm beach..... hehe....guess it helped a little. So..... blood pressure is fine. Phew!

Not only is my blood pressure fine, so is my sugar! I figured they would have called if I was diabetic but today I asked if I could have my numbers from the test because my husband would want to see them. So at fasting, my glucose was at 86. Like I said before, if you are 120 you are automatically diabetic. (Don't quote me on this) At 1 hour ( after drinking some fabulous glucola) my levels were at 132. They should be below 180. At 2 hours, my levels were 130, they should be below 155. And at 3 hours, my levels were at 96. They should be below 140. So all is well in baby's mama's body! So maybe there is no time bomb.... or maybe the time bomb is in my tummy right now doing flips.....ahhhh.

I have started to pack my hospital bag and my team at school is going to be discussing a labor/delivery plan during our team meeting this week. I think they might be fighting about who actually gets to leave school to drive me to the hospital (of course, so they can be with me for support and not because they would get off early.)

So I am a lot less stressed than I have been the past two weeks. I feel like I should be nesting but I have no idea what I should do. Baby Chuck got so many fabulous things at his shower this weekend that I am slowly putting them away and washing things so they will be ready. Really, though, how long does that take.... an hour? I will post some pictures of some cute things he got and some of the cute clothes I have found for the little rascal.

Baby Chuck wants to say WHO DAT!!!!! to everyone.

We are going to put our feet up while we average grades for parent teacher conferences this week . Love to all!

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