11 February 2010

snow day?

I can tell by Katherine's email that the snow is coming down in T-town! We here in Mississippi are still waiting. It is starting to sleet a little bit. We are expected to have 2 to 4 inches of snow and right below us is supposed to have up to 9 inches. Have I mentioned that our meteorologists love to lie. I kid you not, when I walk out the door tomorrow morning the sun will be shining and it will be a balmy 98. I think that meteorologists strictly exist in our universe to mess my life up. I have this love-hate relationship because I can't live without them. I have to watch them every time the news comes on and I trust them more than anything. However, they are never right. As much as I live to see the weather update, I would join in a protest against meteorologist world wide because I do not think it should really be considered a job. It is like you giving me a different jar of candy everyday and I had to guess how many pieces there are. Sometimes I may get pretty close and the other times I couldn't be farther away from the answer. But, no matter the answer, I still collect my pay check.

Ok, after my pregnancy rant, I hope we have no meteorologists in the family!

On the pregnancy front, I think my blood pressure sky rocketed when I got a new student yesterday. The whole administration, from not only our school but the student's last schools, were freaking out because he is such a behavior problem. What.... they call it a behavior problem when a child gets suspended three times in two weeks for fighting? Mrs. L, my assistant, says she prays every night for us that we will get through this. While, Mrs. L. prays, I shop for the riot gear.

The bump is still growing. It has gotten to the point now, even though I have about 9 more weeks, that people try to rush me out of their store because they don't want me to go into labor while I am there. The cafeteria ladies let me skip everyone because they want me out of the cafeteria ASAP as they are not trained in delivering babies. Baby Chuck and I are still feeling good. Still no real symptoms. I was starting to feel pregnant but right now I feel fine When I get home all I want to do is grab some food and go straight to my bed and just sit. I just don't feel like moving until the next morning when I have to get up. And I am not sure I even fell like moving in the morning.

Oh, and the email I just got from Kat said that their was a little ladybug that showed up at the end of their fun snow day. That reminded me that I forgot to tell everyone that we also had a little visitor the night before my baby shower last weekend!!!!

Happy early Valentine's Day!!! Drew will spend February 14th saving lives in the ER and I will spend it with my two orange babies and my other baby who is definitely working on his football moves.

Love to all and TGIF.... I wish I could say TGIS ( Thank goodness it's summer)

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