16 March 2010

Baby in 2 weeks or less!

So we had a doctor visit again yesterday! We got another sonogram.... I know. Apparently this blood pressure is really freaking them out. Chuck was chomping on his fingers again. It is so funny to watch him moving his mouth so much. He was a sleep at the beginning of it so we kind of woke him up a little bit and he gave us a yawn and then put his hand in his mouth. Everything still looked good. We had a different lady yesterday and she mentioned all his hair too! He is weighing about 6 1/2 pounds so she said in reality he is between 6.5 and 7 pounds!

My blood pressure has been borderline all week but not too high. Yesterday at the doctor, it was just ridiculous but she was reassured by the blood pressures we were taking all week ( thank goodness I have a doctor at home!) My bottom number is the crazy one so she said if it goes above 95 then we need to call her. This morning we had a little bit of a scare because the bottom number was in the 100's ( which is what happens when i go to the doctor.) Dr. went to lecture and then took it about and hour and a half later and it was back to where it has been all last week. Dr. said I better be glad he didn't call the doctor because I would be in labor right now. So I am on extra strict bed rest ( enforced by my home doctor). School is out for Spring Break so I can actually relax. So I really will be resting and not doing anything this week. Lets cross our fingers my blood pressure stays kosher and we don't have to have any last minute deliveries this week!

The doctor did say that she is not going to let me carry Chuck until 39 weeks. She would like to get him out between 37 and 38 weeks. The blood pressure thing is just too risky. So we will be 37 weeks on March 24th so I am thinking the 26th or something for the arrival of our baby!! ( Now, this all depends on whether or not Chuck agrees to do that and I don't go into labor before then.... because I am getting mighty close!)

I had a baby shower today with the ladies from the neighborhood. It is so funny how each shower you seem to get lots of one thing. This shower, Chuck got tons of books! He really didn't have many, maybe two books, and now he has a library! Everyone got him books, with no duplicates. Funny how things work out!

We also received a high chair from Uncle Austin and Aunt Kelly ( you are going to have to decide on your names!) and it is just prefect! It even reclines for a new baby to lay in. I have been talking to it like it is a little baby.... I think I am going looney!

We also got a care package from Cousin Betsy with tons of stuff to get us through our hospital stay. Crossword puzzles, magazines, snacks, chapstick.... everything we will need while we are there! What a great idea!

MK sent Baby Chuck a surprise too! His bedroom is officially finished! We knew we wanted blue, brown, and white but couldn't find any monkey things. MK found the cutest monkey set which matched PERFECTLY to the bedroom. I will take official pictures later but this is a picture of the set. MK sent us the hamper, diaper stacker, mobile, and the quilt. What's funny is that it is made of the same fabric as the bedding we have! Tops everything off! Pictures to be posted in the next day or so.

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