20 March 2010

the difference a day makes

I knew after such a yucky day yesterday today would be great! Feeling good, although my blood pressure is on the brink today. I am going to have to have a talking to that bottom number. It is killing me. Unfortunately, yesterday was the prettiest day, today it is warm but is going to be windy and cold tonight and tomorrow.

Believe it or not today we ( as in myself and the baby that is preparing for his exit) are showered and our hair is actually dried and fixed! We have not made it that far in about 4 days. We have gotten to the hair washing but then it goes straight to a pony tail without brushing so really turns into my "meth addict" hairdo. Did I mention this bed rest is getting easier and easier. I can't fathom that Spring Break is nearing the end and everyone is going to have to go back to school. I was not excited about bed rest but I admit that I am SO glad I do not have to go to school..... it is becoming easier and easier to let go. Unfortunately, today is Saturday and on Saturdays and Sundays there is nothing to entertain me on TV. Guess I will pick up my book that I have been trying to read for 2 years.

Our friend Dom is getting married today. The ceremony will be today and then they will have their official wedding in a year near Cancun. They are trying to get all the paperwork taken care of so Fela can join him in Michigan for the start of their residency. That means I have a year to get bikini ready!

Speaking of bikini ready... I was thinking that I have gained 30 pounds which isn't that bad considering Chuck is about 7 pounds.... makes it a little easier to digest the numbers. I did have some extra weight ( ok, like 20 pounds) I was carrying around before I got pregnant so that puts some poundage back on my weight loss list. I have always wanted to run a marathon. Seems like a goal that when you are done you just feel a huge accomplishment ( like that 60 mile breast cancer walk i did.) I can't picture a better feeling. BUT..... I hate to run. Absolutely hate it, unless I am being chased or chasing something. I have wanted to run at least a half marathon since I lived in Nashville... so 6 years ( you can tell I have definitely made some headway with this). Well, i said the other day that my goal is to run a half marathon by the time Chuck is one. I feel that it is not too ambitious and gives me some leeway.... i will put a time limit on the actual full length marathon at a later date. Last night I had a dream that I was running my marathon. It was more like a mile and for some reason Samer was in my backpack. This marathon included taking a rest stop at a hotel and taking a shower, etc. I think I can manage if that is how it is going to be! I am nervous though. I can do the whole treadmill thing.... the ground moving for you, Oprah sitting in front of you talking, etc. I actually was making lot of progress in Hot Springs.... making it to 7 miles on the treadmill at a time. This however is going to be miserable. Dr. didn't get lots of complaining during pregnancy but I guarantee that he will get plenty of it while I am trying to run...... especially as it gets hot this summer and did I mention I hate cold weather so I might have to take to an indoor track in the cold months.

OK I am rambling right now because I have nothing to do. I am going to go and let you all have a break from my random thoughts.

Baby Chuck is shaking his rump for all of you. Guess that means he wants to say "HELLO! SEE YOU SOON!"

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