13 June 2010

Mall Walking

Well, we are officially mall walkers! It is just not reasonable to think that I am going to stay in the house 24/7 with this little sweet pea. I can't go anywhere with him because he does not like his car seat unless it is moving at 30 mph or faster. He can't hold his head up good enough to be held or strapped into a cart. So we are pretty much homebound. Then it gets hot. Too hot. Like 97 degrees hot with tons of humidity. Forecasts for the past two weeks have been "muggy". So, we can't walk in the mornings now, or in the evenings, or at midnight. I told my next door neighbor, Ginger, I was considering walking the mall. She went by the mall and found out what time it opened for the walkers. On Thursday and Friday we went to the mall with Ginger at 7 in the morning ( because we get up at 6:00, nice). We walked 2 miles each day. We were going to take the weekend off since Dr. was home from work. It turns out that he had lots of stuff to do up at school so really wasn't off. So, Chuck and I went to walk this morning at 9 and walked 4 miles!

Thursday, Chuck got fussy the last lap ( each lap is a half mile) so I carried him the rest of the way while Ginger pushed the stroller. On Friday, he got fussy half way through and I brought the baby book bag just in case. I stashed the stroller somewhere in a corner and strapped him on the front of me and he was fine. Today, I decided to try his stroller without the car seat. ( I can't do this on my walks through the neighborhood because it is too bumpy and I need something for his head.) I just put foot board up so he couldn't scoot out the bottom and laid his seat down most of the way and he went to sleep. After mile 2, he got fussy so I sat him up a little more so he felt like a big boy and he was happy the rest of the walk!

On the way home from the mall both days with Ginger, he screamed the whole way. I think he was just tired of being in his car seat. Today, since he didn't walk in his car seat, he was quiet the whole way home.

Chuck sporting his brownie goose* while mall walking. Look at him sitting in his stroller like a big boy, no car seat!

*Brownie-goose is a business run by another resident's wife here in Jackson. She sews funky children's clothes, made to order. She shows you the fabrics and the patterns - you pick what you want. You aren't the baby of a resident until you are wearing Brownie-Goose. Her fall line (fabrics and patterns) will be out soon!

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