16 June 2010


Ok, I know. I have spoiled my child. But with a face as cute as his, it is totally impossible not to. Chuckaroo is used to being held. Marmee has a term for his problem and it is called "lap colic". If he is not being held, he is not happy.

He has no problem sleeping, however, if he is sleeping it will most likely be on you! So thanks to grandparents, Chuckers is sleeping in his crib at night. He hates laying flat so he is in his nap nanny but nonetheless, he is in his crib. Just pimping out in there a little bit more than other babies I guess. Wonderful, he is in his crib and not on my chest!

So now I move to naps. He will fall asleep in the car ( if it is going 30 mph or faster). He will sleep in his swing ( again, if it is moving swiftly). But he will not nap anywhere for an extended amount of time. So our 3 hour naps are in ten minute increments. He naps from about 9:30 to 11:30 and then again around 3:00 to 5:30. I have been trying to figure out where I could put him or how I could get him there and actually have him sleep.

Then the pack and play comes out! Dom, our roommate from NYC, an his sweet family and fiance, sent us the play yard we registered for. It has been folded up behind the crib because we aren't traveling, right? Wrong. I attempted to put it together the other day and finally after a few hours, got it up. I put Chuck in it. He hates it. He screams. He doesn't appreciate the hard work mom put into it. I try again. He likes it a little bit more because I attached the play gym onto it that comes with it. He starts to like it.

Here is what is cool about it. It has a thing that you attach to the corner of the play yard. This thing has a light on it, music, and it vibrates. AWESOME. Chuck loves constant movement and is overly obsessed with music. Perfect for the little lad. So today, Chuck falls asleep, on me of course, for his nap. I am determined for him to nap and me to get things done. So I slowly walk to the play yard and lower him down into the vibrating world of naps. He goes down. He stays! He has been down for 22 minutes. Now mind you, he is on his tummy, but the child will not lay on his back. I am watching him y'all.

I am going to do laundry. Pray for good nap karma. If all goes well, and continues to go well over the next few days with the nap, we have achieved nothing short of awesomeness. Uh oh, there was just a little stirring but he just turned his head to the other side. Phew. Got to take advantage of this!!

My first real nap without someone's chest to lay on. Look at that little butt in the air!

Did I mention the play yard has a remote control. I can turn on the vibration or music from down the hall. Booyah!

1 comment:

Fenilalanina said...

He is getting cuter and cuter!!!!!