14 June 2010

Thumbs up!

Well, Little Man has weaned himself from the pacifier. Wants nothing to do with it. That is fine with his mama. I don't have to worry about weaning later and he doesn't really need it anymore. It did him a lot of good for the first couple of months while he got used to this crazy world! Since he no longer takes a paci, he has taken up "thumb sucking" it started several days ago but just got serious in the past two days. "Serious" meaning we spend most of our awake time trying to insert the thumb into his mouth. Last night when he woke up at midnight for a feeding, I didn't hear whining at first, all I heard was some serious sucking. When I finally went in to pick him up, he had wiped slobber all over his face and his little hand was cold from being wet and then the AC blowing on it. Here are some pics of the psuedo thumb sucking. I tried to get a video but ran out of batteries. Don't worry it will happen again!

Chuckman sitting in mama's lap trying to suck his thumb.

Chuckers trying to suck his thumb while mama cooks. (This highchair is wonderful. He just kick backs in it while I spend time in the kitchen. Never really gets tired of it. I know he is not strapped in but the foot board is up so he can't slide out!)

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