05 May 2011


Gracious..... what have I done! I feel like this is payback or something. I thought Chuck had gotten a little independent. He started taking it upon himself to crawl to other rooms to play and leave me behind. Well, well, well. Now, we don't even want to be put down. If we aren't on mama's hip, we throw a tantrum. Tantrums consist of throwing our head back and straightening our body. We will do this if we are being held, standing up, sitting down... anything. So of course, I have to lower him to the floor when he does that. Once he is all the way laying on the floor, he starts his meltdown. During this phase, he hits his head on whatever he can find. Most of the time it is the floor, sometimes the cabinets, or other furniture. He begins to bang his head. At first, I would put my hand in the way to keep him from hurting himself. Now, I am at the point where I think he needs to know it hurts if you hit your head. So after he hits his head, he looks up at me, spreads his hand out and runs it over the part of his head that he has banged.

I mentioned to his teacher that the meltdowns were very frequent and I did not know what was wrong with him. She kindly informed me that nothing is wrong with him and that it is his age. She said that this is what they do at this age. Another person told me the "terrible two's" start around 15ish months and should be over by the time they hit 2. I can't wait until Chuck's 2nd birthday. I am having a hard time with this because I don't know what to do except hold him all the time. He even gets mad if I sit down because he wants to be up in the air.

Chuck is also hitting. He hits in the face. He laughs when I say "no". Actually I usually say "no, no" so now Chuck says "no, no". I have no idea how to discipline a one year old. He is not going to understand time out. When he did hit me, one time I pretended to start crying and he got really worried and looked upset and gave me a hug. I don't know if that will teach him not to do it but it is the only thing I get a reaction from.

Anyways, the trials and tribulations of trying to raise a close to perfect child continues.....to wear me out.

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