02 October 2011


This is what my child does when I don't play with him and he is "bored".

He likes to empty out the dryer and climb in it to play.

And empty out the wipes package to clean his feet. ( Have no idea where he gets this one from).

And this.... asking to play with water in the sink.

and yes, I let him play in the sink.

and then we went to wear ourselves out before dinner.

We also ventured to get me some new black pants. I tried this last weekend but Chuck was strapped in the stroller and yelled and whined the whole time. So, I had to try again today. I decided to take the " I trust you to walk around and not have to ride in the stroller". It did not go much better. Chuck ran around the store and pointed to all the manikins that didn't have shirts on and yelled "uh oh". Then he decided to wave and say hi to all of them while he made sure to point out all of the manikin's toes. In the end, I did get some black pants. I just grabbed a pair off the rack and figured I would just take them back if they didn't work. They did work though. So don't judge me on my style because it is mainly a mad dash to the first rack of clothes inside the door and a mad dash out before Chuck starts knocking anything over. I have many years to come to look pulled together. Now is just not the time.

And last but not least, tomorrow starts the biggest loser competition at school. You know I am one fore competition. In fact, our team lost the most weight when we lived in Hot Springs. I figure I need to lose weight before we move, there is also a cash reward if I win, and of course I need to get my health in check for my baby boy and I always have the fact that I have a strong line of breast cancer in my family so I need to be ready to fight anything! I am going to have to really work at it though. Exercise will not be a tool I can use. The time to exercise is non-existent since Dr. gets home so late when he is working. I will try and do a little Zumba in the den but I only have two hours a night to do everything I need to do ( as in cook, laundry, clean, and school work) so you can imagine exercise comes last on that list. As of tomorrow ( whenever weigh in is) I am going to give up cokes.... you can rest assured that I will guzzle one right before I step on that scale. THe competition is over on May 1st. I am telling you all this so you will hold me accountable.

Night, night....

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