05 October 2011

Terrible Twos

I hope what I am experiencing is the terrible twos because if it is not then I might as well go ahead and quit! I could post the picture of Chuck sleeping on the way to day care this morning but I am not. It will only remind me of the three times he woke up last night, and make me long for more than 3 hours of sleep. I could post the picture of his dinner the past two nights all over the wall and floor, but I will spare you of those pictures too.

Chuck is picking up more and more vocabulary and feistiness. He can now tell you if something is purple, blue, or yellow. However, he still really prefers pink over any other color even if he can't say it. He is still an adamant bubble blower ( as you have seen in past pics and videos) and is actually a relatively good bubble blower. He also can finally say "outside" but he just calls it "side" instead of "pool" now. This is actually not a good thing because he loves outside and although he spends a gazillion hours outside each day, he still wants to go outside every night. This desire to go outside either A) causes a breakdown because I won't let him go outside or B) causes a breakdown because I let him go outside but won't let him go across the street and knock on Nellie's door.

At one point, Chuck refused to let me put his shirt on him. We are now at the point where he throws a tantrum if the shirt comes off. Oh, the shoes! I am not sure if he just really likes his new shoes but many days he freaks out if I take his shoes off. Some nights, after his bath, if he comes across his shoes somewhere in the house, he insists that they be put on his feet. This is just not a battle that I am even going to waste my time on. I could care less if he sleeps in his shoes and lately, he has done just that.

Well, one a more positive note, as of next week we will have officially made it through the first quarter of school. Only three more of those to go! The big move is getting oh so close. Now that I have finally made some progress with the behavior in my class, I may just miss my job ( not my students) but my job. If I do say so myself, I think I am pretty darn good at it ( even if that means I don't hold up my end of the deal as a mama or wife or maid or banker or trash guy or yard man) but at least I am not in denial.

Hopefully, you will get some pictures soon. It all depends on how you-know-who is behaving himself, so I wouldn't necessarily count on it. I think I might try to take him to a pumpkin patch this weekend for a little hayride, corn maze, and pumpkin picking this weekend though.

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