16 January 2012

Bubbles and Sketti

Today Chuck went to school and I got a day to catch up on things. ( I know, I am already behind and we just came back from Christmas break 2 weeks ago! )

It is still 70 here and it looks like it is going to be that way through next weekend. Daddy is still working so Granna and Bob Bob might come and entertain me next weekend so Chuck and I aren't alone.

We have been taking advantage of the outdoors while this weather is here because I don't want Chuck to get tired of being inside. We may be stuck inside a long time once the cold weather decides to get here. I am starting to wonder if we are even going to have a winter.

Anyways, we made sure to run crazy after school today. We finally got to use our bubble gun we got for Christmas. Chuck caught on right away. ( It was a little windy so we ate a couple by mistake!)

Miss Ginger has a Toy Story chair on her porch just for Chuck. Every time we are outside he takes advantage of her porch and loves to sit on it. By sit I mean, bottom in chair for at most 5 seconds, until we think of something else to do.

Today, he wanted to go in the backhouse to get his bike out and he yelled to her "Miss Ginger, let's go", and he waves is little arm like "come here". I guess he is starting to give orders outside of the house, too.

Chuck is very good at identifying whether something is "yummy" ( and rubs his stomach at the same time)... or "yuck". Today, he was eating Goldfish on the way home and said "yuck". I told him that we always eat goldfish and that they are "yummy". He looked at me and nodded his head and said "I like". Now I am not saying I understand everything he says but we are about at 50-60%.

I was able to get two pots/four meals of spaghetti cooked this morning to freeze. Chuck loves him some sketti. For some reason sketti days are always the days we wear white shirts.

1 comment:

Akisha said...

His face with the bubble gun cracks me up!!!