30 January 2013


Today Dr. did not have to work. That meant I had help with bath and bedtime! An extra person to hold baby and bounce him is always great!!!

He gave me one hour ( can't have any more because I'm feeding a monster) to do whatever I wanted. Exercise, bathe, Target... Whatever. It was Mary hour! Well, folks... This is how much I love my family.... I mopped my floors!!! I told them that this is proof I love them! I also couldn't think of anything else on such short notice. I am freaky about the whole flu thing so take every opportunity to throw antibacterial stuff on anything!

Even though Dr. Is on a night schedule he wakes up when Chuck gets home for some playtime. Some days he gets 30 minutes, some days two hours, some days none because he's working our of town.

Today, we let daddy sleep a little while because of the time he got off this morning.

Chuck worked on some motor skills and practiced putting eggs together. This is a tough one. May want to start with just a few all the sane size and then add more of different sizes.

We also worked with playdoh. This is great for muscle development in the hands. All he needs is a few tools that came with the playdoh.

We also colored some Diego pics. Chuck has a tub for his drawing stuff. It's important to have different sized crayons and different types of drawing utensils.

Smith ate all day, every hour to be exact. On Friday I weighed him and the scale said he was 12.6. Surely he has hit 13 pounds now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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