27 January 2013

Well I did not get a shower or brush my teeth this weekend but both boys got baths each night and both are fed and I would say relatively happy.

Exhale. I love Mondays :)

Just to remind you, I blog from my phone and inner wren being mama so you will find a significant amount of typos :)

Well, today I decided to pull out all the stops and be power mommy. Dr. got home from work around breakfast time so I was able to get some breakfast cooked. That right there should be my success of the day.

I'm trying to do a lot more "Montessori" type things at home with Chuck. Also, a friend emailed me and asked me how I do it. Meaning how am I managing Chuck with little to no help most of the time. She, too, has a very active boy and was having a hard time keeping him busy since her husband has the same type schedule as our daddy.

So I decided I would share more of the activities we do because I also have a lot of friends with children this age.

Our first activity of the day was Mr. Potato head. Weird I know. I didn't realize how confusing and frustrating this can be for a child. We actually have three but have not worked out way up to that many. Without coaching, Chuck struggles with just one potato head. One thing that we haven't gotten yet is that our ears go above our arms. Once we are able to do one by ourself, we will do two at the same time. Walgreens actually has them for 5 bucks and they were buy 2 get 1 free.

So, yes, we have a bin of potato heads....

And this my friends is just a snapshot midday of what the den looked like. Dad has no idea what happens during the day because it is clean when he gets home or wakes up...,

Today I asked Chuck what he wanted for snack. He said circles. What? I have no idea what he was talking about but I got to it and fixed him a snack of circles! Grapes, cheese balls, string cheese cut in slices, and crackers with Nutella. Chuck thought I was pretty cool.

Have you ever tried these crackers? They are on the sweet side so are great with peanut butter, cream cheese, or Nutella.

Another thing we did was make what I call a treasure hunt bottle. I got a small bottle of water and collected things from around the house (rubber bands, beads, animal beads, cut ribbon, googly eyes, pompom balls,etc.). Chuck dropped these things into the bottle. After putting everything in, we glued the top on. You can shake it and look for different things. Some of our beads were animals so it was fun looking for the elephant, etc. chuck REALLY liked this activity!

Potty training has actually gone well. I still can't get him to put undies on. He is scared they will get wet. He only wet his diaper once today and once yesterday.

Some treats he got over the past two days was silly string. Ever since his Fall festival at school, silly string wars have been high on our list! They are a new tradition with Chucks cousins for Thanksgiving. He also couldn't wait for dad to wake up so we could play with silly string! Thank goodness the weather turned out warm!

Also, since he did so great with the potty, he got to go get ice cream. One time, I was feeding Smith and couldn't really go see why he was calling my name, and Chuck went #1 and #2 by himself in the potty!

He really is such a well behaved boy.

One funny thing he said this weekend was "mom, when you were little what was your name?" I told him my name and the next day asked him if he remembered. He said "your name Mary. You a princess when you little." Yes my child I was a princess, still am.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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