27 February 2013


This is what happens each day before school. Chuck always insists on a hug and kiss and many days he requests a snuggle. Not sure if anyone else really enjoys it!

Yesterday was a tough day. Smith did not want to nap. Starting at noon I tried to get him to sleep since he really hadn't napped all morning! Our afternoon was filled with a lot of screaming and holding. My arm was so sore by the end of the day. Finally at about 7:30 I gave him Tylenol and put Oragel on his front gums (because I noticed weird tongue movement). He was asleep within 30 seconds of using the Oragel!

I have a friend! She is a wife of a cardio thoracic surgeon at Dr.'s hospital. She also has a 3 year old at Chuck's school. We have been averaging coffee dates about every two weeks. We are meeting again tomorrow. Makes me feel a little more settled :)

Dr. Worked last night but will be able to play this afternoon. I am praying that March brings warm weather especially since he is working the next three weekends. This mama needs to be able to send Chuck outside! I also want to get new tires for the jogging stroller so Smith and I can get outside every morning.

We are starting our yard makeover next Wednesday. It should take about 6-10 days. I will send some "before" pictures. Nothing crazy. The biggest part is tearing up concrete to replace with grass.

Smith is actually sleeping today and I have gotten a couple of things done. Still I'm pretty tired. Exhale.

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