28 January 2011

Dora daycare

Our new favorite thing is Dora. All the little guy wants to do is watch Dora and rock. My calves are going to be huge.

Today we have
Kept a bottle down

Ate a few spoonfuls of pears and kept them down!

Fell asleep after only being up an hour.

Woke up and had a breathing treatment and bath to get everything moving.

Kept another bottle down

Then we watched Dora..... For a very long time, rocked, and fell asleep.

Chuck has been awake a total of two and a half hours today. He must be sleeping this sickness off. He must not have as much energy as he did yesterday. He wore his daddy out. So much so that dad fell asleep on the couch about 30 minutes after Chuck went down for the night. Still, no complaining or crying ( from either of them... Hehe) Just a lot of snuggling and big hugs. I guess we have beaten the vomitting. Now we just need to beat the fever.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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