26 January 2011

The Flu Flew

We went to the doctor today and got tested for flu. We tested negative so we do not have the flu! Chuck has to stay home tomorrow because of his fever today so he will be attending daddy daycare. Hopefully, he will be well enough to go back to school Friday. If not, I will stay home with him. He looks pretty sick with red circles around his eyes. Although, I think he always fakes it for the doctor because when we were there, he just wanted to be pushed around in the rollie office chair and was just having a fantastic time. I am glad they have tests for sicknesses because just looking at him and the fun he was having in that chair you might say that he was quite chipper and didn't feel bad at all.

For some reason when he is sick, he prefers daddy. Well, he prefers to play with daddy not mama. So we had an afternoon of him sitting in my lap ( because a freak out would happen if he wasn't touching mom) but playing with dad and only dad.

He did get a good nap in ( as did mom) before we went to the doctor but Chuckster would not go to sleep tonight and was up 2 1/2 hours past his bedtime before he decided he would stop fighting dreamland.

Here are a couple of quick videos.

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