16 February 2013

Here is a picture of Smith from a couple of days ago. I keep forgetting to take pics of him because he doesn't do much :). He is about to out grow his 3 month jammies. In this pic he is in a 6 month onsie!

Dad will get home while we are sleeping tonight! We didn't venture outside today because it was pretty chilly! We played some super heroes, cooked a pot of spaghetti and watched The Lorax.

Chuck wanted to use his tongs so I got out two bowls and some big glass rocks and let him transfer them. I put some paper in the bowl so it wouldn't be so loud when he dropped them in it.

We also got out the button snake. It is a ribbon that you see a button onto. Then we have some felt that you cut a slit in just big enough for the button. It just helps you to learn how to work a button.

It took Chuck a little while to get the first one on. When he did he walked away. I left it out and didn't say a word. He felt like it was too hard. About an hour later he walked up to it and tried again and this time did three squares.

Chuck also worked on the color matching that I had worked on a couple of weeks ago. He really liked doing this!

Tomorrow we are going to a birthday party in which I will have to explain to Chuck why it's not his birthday and why he doesn't get any presents. Always interesting. It is also supposed to be a little warmer so that will be wonderful.

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