15 February 2013

Power outage

Had a little power scare tonight! Power went off at 6. I had just run chuck's bath so threw him in because I only had about 30 minutes of light left. He thought it was pretty cool to take a candlelit bath. While he was playing, I packed a bag of diapers and pajamas and a sound machine. I knew I had limited time of light and also knew that there was no way I could pack in the dark. My plan was to head to a hotel by 9 if the power was still off. It is supposed to be 30 degrees tonight.

After Chuck got out of the bath and dressed, my phone died. We were about to lose all light so I decided I would drive around while my phone charged, chuck watched a movie, and Smith would be rocked to sleep. Monster baby was having a field day with the power outage and was screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time (because that's what we do when the clock hits 6 o'clock).

Just as I was about to get a change of clothes for myself the power came back on! Someone was looking out for me. I didn't know how the hotel stay would go with me and two kids. I was trying to stay calm and not think of the disaster this could be! I also thought about sending Chuck to spend the night with his teacher!

Dad gets back late night tomorrow. We have a birthday party to go to Sunday afternoon so we will get to meet some people!

Monday I will call to schedule Chuck's birthday (hopefully March 23rd).

Some pics:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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