12 February 2013

I'm drinking coffee. I'm ok! Last night was a little overwhelming. Smith wanted to scream for what seemed like forever. When Smith cries, Chuck kind of gets jumpy. Then it took a gazillion hours for Chuck to clean up his toys. The kid is SO slow. At one point when he was "cleaning", I walked into his room. He was lying on his bed with his feet up in the air drinking a juice box. He's doing good at not complaining about picking up but, for goodness sake, it should not take an hour!

Yesterday was day three with just the three of us. So although both actually are wonderfully behaved, it just kind of starts wearing on everyone.

Chuck has been going potty at home. Over the weekend I did not change one poopy diaper! Chuck will not go at school because he is "scared". We had a good talk Sunday night about it all and yesterday he tee teed in the potty at school!!! We celebrated with a milkshake!

Chuck's class is celebrating Mardi Gras today because his teacher is from New Orleans. I delivered a king cake yesterday for them to eat. Thursday they will have their Valentine's Day party. I am in charge of the craft for their party. They are studying weather this week so I planned a sun catcher craft for them!

All you need is contact paper and tissue paper.

On one piece on contact paper I drew a heart for all the children. They will place cut up tissue paper on the heart.

Then they will place another piece of contact paper on top of the heart and cut it out.

Punch a hole in the top and hang it in the window!

Chuck will be handing out Spider-Man Valentines. We are SO into superheroes right now. He now watches Batman (1966) on TV!

This is Smith's favorite place to sleep..... Our bed. He's a side-sleeper.

The people across the street are moving. Chuck loves playing with their girls. Although we hate to see them go, we are taking their nanny/housekeeper! She is supposed to come tomorrow since the regular family will be out of town. She is having a baby soon but once the baby is here, she will be mine two days a week! That means my floors will get vacuumed! I've been doing a good job of keeping things clean. Like I said I run dishes and clothes every night and all the trash cans get emptied. I've also managed to wipe down and mop the bathrooms each night (there is potty training going on here... I have to!). If you saw how horrible of a shot Chuck has then you would clean your bathroom everyday too!

Anyways, the rest of my house will get the attention it needs like the beds, rugs, and dust. Also Smith will have a new friend to hold him. That means the gym might be in my future two days a week. I will try and do some type of exercise at home the other days..... As soon as I can wean myself off this coffee!

In the past I have given up soda for lent and lost about 7 pounds each time. I have a few hours to decide if that is what we will do. I think I need to make a trip to SAMs to pick up some green tea. We all know that the absence of caffeine will NOT be good!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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