15 March 2013


Chuck worked on a stepping stone for our garden today.

Yesterday Chuck and I bought some veggies for the new garden in the backyard.

In Mississippi we had a lot of clay so we got a few jalapeƱos and some midget carrots but that was it. Here in Texas it is very sandy. I guess I just expected dirt like we have back home: just pure, good black dirt. The new garden is along the wall of our master bedroom.

Chuck and I planted: cilantro, basil, rosemary, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeƱos, cantaloupe, and cucumbers. We also have some spinach, watermelons, strawberries, and carrots out front that will get moved to the backyard soon. I am really hoping for a productive garden this year.

We made sure Chuck's house looked nice too. I built him a walkway to his house and he helped me plant some flowers in front.

And of course five o'clock hit and he fell asleep. He always does this! It is so close to dinner and he can't hold his eyes open!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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