13 December 2012


Apparently Smith is not ready to make an appearance. He has dropped a lot but we have not made any other progress. We have scheduled induction for January 2nd just in case he is being stubborn. Dr. has four days off then so I decided to go ahead and grab a spot for induction while I could. It would be a blessing if this baby came next Wednesday when Dr. has 8 days off!

06 December 2012


Baby Smith is still hibernating. We have gone from 1cm to 2cm so at least we are making some progress. The waiting game continues. It is up to the little guy I guess! Next appt is next Thursday, same time same place unless Smith decides otherwise!

05 December 2012

Nearing the End!

I have not had time to sit down and address the absence of pictures.  I did want to give an update on what is going on here!

We have a doctor's appt tomorrow at 1:00 to see if we are progressing and getting any closer to meeting our second son!  I have had good days and bad days, and good days that have turned into bad days.  We are watching my blood pressure closely.  As of now, we have had no pressure problems but know that can change in a heartbeat.  I have been trying to rest this week which has given me the energy to be mommy after school.

Last weekend was pretty rough on me.  Saturday we had a good day but by Saturday night I was pretty sure I was going into labor.  Chuck's teacher took him on Sunday so I could rest.  If she hadn't done that, I am pretty sure we would have a family of four by now!  She is such a life saver.

Smith has been pretty rowdy lately.  A couple of times I have been worried that he was going to break my water because of the intense movement!  I think Smith is getting just as anxious to meet Chuck as Chuck is to meet him!

I have done the majority of my nesting.  All Christmas shopping is done and wrapped ( neighbors, teachers, cats, etc)  Chuck's schedule and "how to" guide is posted in the kitchen for our neighbors and marmee/poppy.  I have told him that he may have to go to his teachers house until someone can come get him.  His teacher has been shown the extra key just in case he has to spend the night at her house.  It's all been planned.  All baby clothes have been washed and baby stuff is set up in my closet for when Smith comes home.  Now, Dr. is apparently nesting.  Dr. has had a few days off but goes back to work on Friday ( just in time for the weekend...)

Chuck has been having fun at school.  I am not sure if I have mentioned it but his class has adopted a grandpa and grandma for Christmas instead of an angel tree.  They are doing crafts for their grandma and grandpa and bringing them presents for the next few weeks.  Yesterday, Chuck and I went shopping for some fruit for them and today for some gatorade.  The nursing home staff delivered wreaths to grandma and grandpa made out of handprints today and they said that our grandma and grandpa started crying.  Most of the items on the list are food but Chuck and I are going to go and pick them out each a blanket tomorrow.  Yesterday Chuck asked if he could go see his grandpa and he meant his adopted one!  They talk about it everyday and work on wrapping the presents.  It is SO incredibly sweet.  We are hoping to adopt them for the rest of the year!

I will make sure I send an update after out appt tomorrow!  Stay tuned...

02 December 2012

Play date

Chuck is going on his first play date! His teacher has invited him over from 10-2 today so I can rest! They are going to play and then go look for bugs on the trails. She has a 7, 6 and 15 month old. I don't know why she wants to take my child! However, I am so thankful! Another day like yesterday may just finish me off. We had a good day but by the end I was in so much pain.

I really thought the baby was coming yesterday! I was in so much pain. I don't know if it is from picking up Chuck and things off the ground all day long. I did think I was having contractions for a little while but eventually they stopped. I'm scared to actually admit any pain because I don't want to cry wolf. I feel better now but that's after a night of no bending over. Last night I told Dr. that I was sure the baby was going to come this week.

Dr. is off Monday-Thursday so he will be around just in case. He goes back to work on Friday so it would be nice if this baby came a little early. I know Smith needs to cook longer but it is getting rather painful.

Dr. has been getting slammed at work. Last night he saw 50 patients when usually the average for an ER is 30 patients. He is way over worked and I know he is looking for these next few days off!

Well, Chuck is gone so now I will rest or something! I've never been alone on a weekend in almost 3 years!

30 November 2012

Christmas Lights

Since Dr. had the night off, we drove through a Christmas display.  It is about 2 miles from our house and is a mile long.  We drove through and had a blast.  Of course it wouldn't have been fun without a two year old.  If the two year old hadn't have been so amazed with all the lights it would not have been worth the money.  It was nice to be able to stay in the car.  We may go back on the 13th where we can walk through for only $1. Chuck didn't want to go home so we drove around our neighborhood.  Our neighborhood is called Hollytree but our next door neighbors call it Hollyday Hell!  Hahaha.

Dr. has to work all weekend so looks like we are on our own again.  Chuck has asked to go to the zoo tomorrow.  So we will try and take a nice stroll in this 75 degree weather and try not to go into labor!  I have no idea what we are going to do on Sunday but at this point I think I need to take it one day at a time!

Wish us luck at the zoo and pray that this baby stays in at least until daddy gets home Sunday night!

29 November 2012

It's go time

We had our doctor appt today. We are now a little over 35 weeks. I am dilated at 1cm and Smith is definitely head down (and has been since the beginning). Our next appt is next Thursday to see if we are progressing any. Dr. and I both give it two weeks and them we think we will have a baby. Although not swelling, I'm starting to feel puffy and feel my immune system kind of declining just like last pregnancy.

Dr. was off today so even though it was 70 degrees, he came home from the doctor appt and turned on the fire, he has been dying to sit in front of the fire. We got take out and ate in front of the fire. It was very peaceful except for a few kicks and punches from Smith!

Sorry for no pictures. I still haven't had time to sit down and look into making room for pictures.

Stay tuned. I will keep you updated on the progress and arrival of Smith.

28 November 2012

Waiting for Brother

Last night I was fixing dinner, Dr. was watching TV, Chuck was immersed in his baskets of toys. Randomly, Chuck stood up and kind of leaned on a chair and said (just like he asks for a cup of juice) "Mom, I'm ready for my brother to come out."

It was the sweetest thing! It was like he was bored and was looking for something to do!

26 November 2012

Normal Day

Today was the first normal day that this family has had in a long time... If ever! Dr. worked last night and came home after being away 5 days! He got to sleep while Chuck was at school. When Chuck got home, he immediately told his daddy that it was morning time and time to get up!

Chuck loves to play in the front yard. He highly prefers it to the back yard for some reason. So he insisted we play in the front today. While he ran around, Dr. and I decided that the blowup craziness on our street could be outdone. Everyone in the neighborhood has lights put on their house too, which I secretly admire. Since we aren't to the point where we can fork out money for such things, we decided to put lights on all our bushes. We will be the only house with bushes done while all other houses have roof lines and driveways done! We had tons of lights that apparently have moved with us from Hot Springs to Jackson and now here! ) I would post a picture but apparently I have reached the total number of pictures. Now I have to figure out how to add more room so that my blog will accept pictures again.)

Anyway, after some light decorations (and get this, our house has plugs specifically for Christmas lights and they are on timers! And this whole time I thought that darn ticking box was the sprinkler system!) I went inside and cooked dinner ( with all the doors wide open) and Chuck and his daddy had an intense pirate sword fight. It was perfect weather with cats, kids, and husbands running in and out of the house and continuos laughter. The smell of dinner was filling the kitchen (do I have to mention that nobody ended up wanting to eat! Chicken breasts, rice.... What gives!) I did have to pause a minute and let it sink in because this was the first time life had felt (and sounded) like it "should".

Boards are over, meetings with our financial planners are over. We have reached a point where we feel settled and we can just live! Today also marks the day that our last credit card bill is paid off! After living in Hot Springs for almost a year on credit cards and no income, its nice to be debt free (except student loans, house, and car!).

So today was a good day! Dr. came home and I decided to do absolutely nothing while Chuck was at school. Fabulous idea since I had been experiencing some pain and uncomfortableness. After lying on the couch today and resting, I haven't felt a single pain or strain! I have a hair appointment tomorrow ( a little pampering never hurts!) and a doctor appointment on Thursday!

Hopefully next time I will be able to post pictures!

24 November 2012


Well, no nap but we got our powerball ticket for tonight and we got our pansies planted!

Sleeping Baby

Note to self:

Don't wake up a sleeping baby. He won't go back to sleep. Best bet is just to leave him on the garage floor.


This morning Chuck is playing in a tent on our bed while I scoop up last minute deals on Christmas presents online. We are going to work on ornaments today and hopefully get this house clean (all depending on one certain person's attitude).

He is playing on his leap pad computer and it was telling him all about the beach. All of a sudden I hear "I go to beach. I take my shirt off." This kid cracks me up.

Can you believe as much as I LOVE the beach my child has never been. Horrible. Looks like there may have to be a beach trip over spring break or something.

We are just hanging tight these last two days of vacation. We miss daddy and I think Chuck is getting tired of me! Yesterday he said "Mom, morrow I go to school, k?" Ha, like I'm holding him hostage and purposely not letting him go to school.

We have a doctor appointment on Thursday to start looking for weekly signs of labor. Every pain I feel I think it's the beginning! Who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if on Thursday the doctor says that it looks like there are signs the baby may be here sooner than later. If not then I am going to be one miserable pregnant lady for the next few weeks!

22 November 2012

Gobbled up!

Well worrying really takes it out of you.

Lunch with the neighbors was a success! Chuck chuck was just an angel. He said hi to everyone and waved at them. We took his barn and farm animals. He sat in the corner of the room singing Old McDonald and playing. He sat at the table for a little bit but entertained himself the majority of the time. The lady who
Invited us had a stuffed chicken that played the chicken dance song. He played that the entire time we ate. I didn't worry about the noise because she was the one who put it out for him to play with!

Right around dessert he started whining a bit so I turned him around in my lap, pushed his head on my shoulder and started swaying. He was gone within 2 minutes. He napped on my shoulder about 30 minutes. I then took walked him home, threw him in bed and he slept another 2 hours!

We have raised one good little dude! The only time I feared we were going to have a problem was when he irked up a knife from the table and said "look a sword" and wouldn't it it down. Also letting himself out the side door while we were eating was a little startling but I was able to corral him back in after a few minutes.

I'm not saying I wasn't stressing the whole time and did a lot of sweating trying to keep him as happy as possible! It wears a pregnant lady out! I told him I was so proud of him tonight and he said "I know. Chuck play with his toys." Such a sweetie!

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving! Dr. is working in Sulphur Springs until Monday morning. I am so thankful we got to have some family time and have an early Thanksgiving! Chuck and I were going to drive up and surprise him but he is working nights so will wake up for work too late for us to drive back and will go back to the hotel too early in the morning for us to get there!

Our next door neighbors have invited me and Chuck over for lunch. I have only spoken to them three times! These are not our neighbors across the street who we just ring their doorbell if Chuck wants to play with the dogs. I don't really know a thing about these neighbors. One of Marmee's friends has some kind of connection with them through her mother so it's not that we are going over to someone's house that we totally don't know about!

Chuck slept in again this morning. I need to start getting him back on his school schedule again! I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He said carrots. So, he is eating carrots and watching the parade!

I am hoping that Chuck does not have a two year old moment today at lunch. Every time I talk to her I say "We will just play it by ear. If we start having a moment, luckily we are just next door and can just scoot home!" I was hoping that she caught that and knows that I'm not going to stay and try and get my child to behave if he is having a meltdown (I'm 35 weeks pregnant... that aint happenin'!) And that it is possible that we never even last until lunch! We will see. Maybe he will fall asleep in my lap like he did in church this past weekend. I'm starting to worry about it all but keep telling myself that worrying is silly and is going to make me go into labor!

After lunch we will hopefully nap and then begin decorating the tree. I told Chuck I would put on Christmas music so he is excited about that! All he is doing lately is singing non stop!

Hope everyone has a splendid Thanksgiving! I hope ours turns out that way!

20 November 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like......


I figure it's now or never with the Christmas decorations! I was feeling a little crummy but got a little energy late afternoon. We went tree shopping. We decided we would go fake for a few more years and then we may venture into the real trees for the kids.

Chuck got a tree for his room. We put lights on it and when we turned out his bedroom light we heard a long drawn out "Wow". He picked out some dinosaur ornaments to go on it too!

Dr. went ahead and got the Christmas boxes out of the attic so Chuck and I can decorate over the next few days.

So far so good.....

19 November 2012

Survival of the Fittest

Chuck has the week off and daddy is working all week. Actually Dr. has Tuesday off but then goes to work until Monday morning. So besides shopping for a Christmas tree with daddy tomorrow, the two of us are on our own this week.

We had our Thanksgiving fix this weekend in Texarkana. Chuck got some major playtime with the cousins.

As much as I complain about my firecracker, he really is incredibly well behaved and rarely causes any problems ( unless it's around nap time!).

So this week it is survival of the fittest around here. I think Chuck might win!

Today we have been pretty productive. We went to PetSmart and the grocery shopping and it was stress free. I am pretty tired from this weekend. Just seems when we are other places than home, there is always a lot more bending over and picking up of a heavy toddler. Chuck is pretty independent at home.

Chuck did sleep until 9 today which was wonderful! I am starting to have problems getting comfortable. I have no problem sleeping, just the adjustment of Smith when laying down, so the extra rest this morning was nice. Smith has been very active lately. He was just kicking when I settled down at night. Recently, he has been going crazy when I eat and has playtime each afternoon. Every once in a while I still question whether I am starting have contractions but then any pain goes away for several hours.

I was going to work on potty training this week but I am so tired. I know I will be even more tired once Smith arrives.

Chuck is currently eating a plate of carrots as I type this. Again, this child can not be mine!

Now to convince him that we should lay down for a nap!

14 November 2012

Going Green

Surely he is not mine! He asks for salad at least three times a week!

13 November 2012

He's safe....

Dr. finished his boards yesterday!

I was expecting him home around 4ish so when he walked in the door at 1:30, I was surprised and did not have any food cooked for him! I shoved the food into the oven, fed Dr., then headed out to pick Chuck up!

After cooling off a little and spending a little time with Chuck, he headed out the door to Sulphur Springs. He had to work at 7am this morning. He gets more sleep if he goes the night before and stays in hotel (paid by the hospital) instead of getting up at 4am!

He still has the oral part of the boards in a few months but it's over... For now!

Dr. will work until Friday and Chuck and I will meet him in Texarkana Friday night for some Thanksgiving celebrations! I told Chuck we were going to see his cousins at the end of the week. He got in the car yesterday after school and with the most excited voice said "We go see Marmee now?". He is so sweet!

He is also SO excited about his baby brother! He asks everyday if it has come out yet! He says he is going to teach it how to jump and take off his diaper. Perfect! Exactly what I need the baby to be doing! I told Chuck he is going to be such a good big brother and he says "Yes, I take care of baby brother."

I am headed to the doctor this morning. Hopefully I will get more clarification on when we can meet baby Smith! Dr. has the week before Christmas off so I'm going to try and do some convincing today!

Here's a picture of Chuck passing out candy on Halloween and also a picture of him crashed out on the sofa after Fall Festival this past weekend!

12 November 2012


Dr. just walked out the door to take his boards! I'm so nervous! He left with a snickers and his phone. Nothing else in his hands. I think he might be more calm than us. I can't take it. Chuck woke up at 5:30 this morning so he must be nervous too!

10 November 2012

Post Fall Fest

Out like a light!

Fall Fest 2

Pictures of the silly string corral and the slide.

Also some more decoration pics. And the death of our tailgating tent.

Fall Fest part 1

We had a great time! Eighty degrees in the middle of November! I know PTA made money because I blew $40!

I always worry that things like this will be disappointing. Or we will work so hard and in the end it will look crummy.

This festival was great!!!

Pony and horse rides, blow up slides, bounce houses, silent auction, petting zoo (turkeys, bunnies, goats, sheep, chickens!). There was a silly string corral and Chuck and I really got daddy good!

There were over 20 games and a carriage ride!

Oh, and of course fabulous decorations that I received many compliments on!

Here are some pics! There are more to come!

08 November 2012

Stick me with a spork

I am totally done. If I wasn't done yesterday after almost breaking my back and my leg, I'm done now. My wonderful mother in law came in town today to bring scarecrows and fall greenery to help decorate. I knew she was the one to contact when in a pickle with decorations!

This woman is a machine when it comes to decorating. Here is a picture of the sign at the front of the school, a picture of the driveway, and a turkey guarding the restrooms! More pictures tomorrow... If I wake up or don't go into labor.


07 November 2012

Bed Rest

Chuck's Fall Fest is fast approaching. It is this Saturday! Not sure if everything is ready but the decorations are, and that is what I am in charge of!

Tomorrow MK is coming to help me out for a little it. And thank goodness she is! Today I believe I pulled a muscle around my shoulder blade which is definitely not cool. It's my fault. I was moving pumpkins even though I knew I shouldn't be!

Then later today, I stepped in a hole and twisted my ankle on one foot and my big toe on the other! I'm pretty sure I didn't hit the bambino but I did successfully bust a pumpkin wide open. Tis better the pumpkin than the baby!

So come Monday, I am putting myself on bed rest a week. The next week Chuck will be home all week so I best rest up!

04 November 2012


Our couch has not had pillows or cushions on it for five days. Chuck has become a kangaroo. All he has been doing the past five days is jumping and singing. At first I was putting the cushions back on after jumping but as a very pregnant lady, it just wasn't worth it.

I think I'm going to put a mini bounce house on his Christmas list. Today as we picnicked in the back yard, we talked about Santa Claus. Chuck said he wants Santa Claus to bring him a real turtle. Hmmm.


The last few days it has been the perfect weather. Just mild and pleasant. Chuck and I have taken full advantage of it by eating all our meals outside!

01 November 2012

Hey! I mean Hay!

Pumpkins- check!
Hay- check!
Husband that thinks wife is crazy-double check!

31 October 2012


No trick or treating here.  Chuck did not want to put on a costume tonight. He handed out some candy to the first trick or treaters and after that he was hooked!  The kid had a BLAST!  Whenever he saw people walking down the street he would start clapping and yelling "yea!".  He was so polite and said "Happy Palloween" to everyone.  ( No that is not a typo.... to him, it is Palloween.)

One time a boy dressed up as a wolf ran across the yard and around the corner.  I thought Chuck was about to freak but he just stared, gave the wolf candy and said "Happy Palloween!"  I think Chuck was amazed at all the masks and costumes.  I think he was still trying to figure out why everyone was dressed up.

Daddy was home tonight so the three of us sat in front of the house in absolutely perfect weather, listened to music, sang songs and had a great time.  I had a roast int he crock pot ( which some people said they would rather have what I was cooking than the candy!)

Chuck's teacher did stop by for about 45 minutes today.  Makes you feel like you are doing something right when your child's teacher is willing to let her kids play with yours and doesn't mind seeing him outside of school!  Can't be too bad of a kid, right?  I mean I can't say that I had too many students who I would have eaten dinner with or voluntarily stopped by their house.  Unless this visit was an undercover visit to see if Chuck is deprived in any way.  Maybe the bed head he shows up to school with every morning concerns them.

We also closed on our house today..... again.  We have been under a loan so we refinanced to a mortgage today so we now own our house..... again.

There are exactly 11 days left for Dr. to do any type of studying for boards.  He will take boards November 12th.  We all know that testing season is not pleasurable for the guy and the stress really starts getting to him.  Keep him in your thoughts as he panics through the next week and a half and drop him an encouraging email or something if you have time!

We can't wait for this to be behind him so he can finally get settled in our house.

Also, Baby Smith and I had a doctor's appointment this week.  We are a little over 31 weeks.  At 35 weeks, we will begin the lookout for any signs of dilation or contractions.  That is only 4 weeks away!  EEK!  Made this whole pregnancy thing real.  I have some of the baby clothes washed.  Now I guess I need to wash blankets and bedding if the kid is going to sleep anywhere.  I have bought one thing for Smith.  Dr. better be extremely thankful this is not a girl.  We would be taking out loans for pink stuff!

Fall Festival

I may slowly be turning into my mother-in-law. She is the queen of holiday decorations. I'm in charge of decorations for Chuck's school's Fall Festival. By tomorrow, I will have 16 bales of hay and 30 pumpkins on my back patio waiting for November 9th to roll around so I can start setting up! Chuck might be the happiest kid in the world when he sees it!

Of course MK is helping out by letting us borrow some fake mums and scarecrows.

30 October 2012


I carved the pumpkin today. Chuck was racing against himself outside, Dr. was sleeping, and I was sweating. I don't remember carving being so hard. Actually I think my parents probably always cut our design. I was so scared I was going chop a finger off!

Dinosaur Arms

The kid went to school with a mohawk (not intentional) and comes home with dinosaur arms.

29 October 2012


Hopefully we get to carve tomorrow when daddy comes home. For today we are just painting because I don't like the idea of a pregnant woman and a two year old with a knife!

Dress rehearsal

I bought Chuck a pirate costume right when they put them out. I figured I had a good 3-4 weeks to convince him to be a pirate. I maybe should have bought the next size up but the kid is excited about it!

We might go to a few houses for trick or treating and then pass out candy or we may go to Chuck's teacher's house and trick or treat with them.

27 October 2012

Pumpkin Problems

Not sure how to describe the pumpkin patch. Chuck sang Old McDonald the whole way there. We got there and he cried the entire hayride and refused to pick out a pumpkin (maybe because he was busy crying). We finally stopped crying once "Old McDonald" gave us free food to feed the goats.

I think it was one of those moments mothers have A LOT. Where you sacrifice and do something for your child because you think it will make them so happy and it really just blows up in your face and makes you want to run and hide in your car just for some sanity.

I did get a few pictures. We were definitely in the back roads of Texas. There is a picture of a noncompliant 2 year old in the middle of a pumpkin patch, a somewhat happier two year old sitting on a tractor, and of course a picture feeding the goats and pigs.

Pumpkin Patch

Well folks, we are going to brave the cold and go to the pumpkin patch since it is the last weekend. Chuck found daddy's hat and said he is ready to go to "Old McDonald had a Farm".

Hay ride, pumpkins, and animal are in our near future!

26 October 2012

Living Room

Now that I have gotten Dr.'s office furnished (although not totally done), he's been pressuring me to do the living room. He thinks once the baby is here, there will never be a living room.

I wasn't excited about having to decorate the living room! I had decided I was going to do a blue in there. Even though Dr. said he wanted a dark color, he looked at our rug and picked a light blue out of it. After several days of refusing to tackle the living room, I finally jumped in and started planning. I knew what I wanted but didn't know the fabrics. Here is the final decision and a picture of our rug.

The couches will be in a neutral color and a chair in blue and brown. Pillows will be made out of the big geometric dot pattern, the sofa material, the flowers, and the red chevron. My creation with only obstacles from the mom and hubs. :) there will be a light brown leather ottoman as the coffee table. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

3 weekends

Well, we are graced with another three day weekend and of course daddy is working. About a year ago, I was terrified to take my child out in public. Now I am terrified to be locked in a house with him for three days!

Unfortunately, last night the temperature dropped 20 degrees and it started raining, so it is yucky here! We had plans for a tiger refuge and the pumpkin patch. Instead we are going to have to visit the museum today. If tomorrow is not rainy, we will do the zoo and Sunday the pumpkin carving will begin.

On Monday, baby Smith and I have a doctor's appointment. After that, I think I will be taking a very long nap.

Here's little man acting like a monkey.