29 December 2011

Bye Bye 2011

First of all, what happened to 2011? Actually I am kind of glad it flew by. I hope the first part of 2012 goes by just as fast and as smoothly as 2011 did.

We are all Christmased out. We agreed that our Christmas was wonderful. We are so thankful we got to visit both families and that Chuck adjusted well to all the traveling. Besides a little bug that Chuck left Jackson with and seemed to share with some of is family members, all went well.

Chuck enjoyed staying up late, learning how to jump on a bed, and playing baby dolls. He really is maturing. There was a noticeable difference just between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was unable to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner but I actually got to savor Christmas dinner so that was a nice change.

Chuck's choice words over the break were "go" which could mean "go" or "come" depending on what he was talking about. He also said "octopus" on his first try which really bothers Dr. Chuck is at the age where he should say "I love you" any day now. But when you tell him you love him he says "no". When you say "octopus", he says it. He also is using the word "uncle" a lot. He is very concerned where his uncles are. Today when we walked in from daycare, he saw a baby picture of uncle Chuck on the fridge and he started yelling "uncle" and pointing. He also thinks Toby Keith is his uncle. He really enjoys dancing to Toby Keith at Granna's house.

My mom made the kids an octopus like the octopi she used to make in her sorority in college. I didn't get to see the expressions of the kids when they all opened it but my dad said it was priceless. I think Abby might have jumped back and Chuck made a face of pure disgust. They had no idea what the octopus was ( I will get a picture tomorrow). The octopi has grown on all of them. Chuck took it upon himself to take all of the eyes off the octopi. He had the nerve last night to ask me where the octopus' eyes were. I told him that he had removed them. So now you see why one of our words for this week was "octopus".

As I said earlier, he is talking in sentences. My dad just laughs hysterically whenever anything comes out of his mouth because it is pure jibberish and only every few words you can understand ( or at least I know what he is talking about).

We didn't get many pictures because either we have to put it down to catch a flying two year old or he sees the phone and demands to play a game on it. Oh yeah, another new word... "game".

Here are some pictures we did get.

Chuck playing on a guitar ( which wasn't even a Christmas present... it was jacked from Marmee's house.... however it is his favorite new toy by far). He is playing for his new Cabbage Patch baby doll named Marlin, who could possibly be of Mexican decent.

Santa brought Chuck some awesome animals that he is obsessed with. His song of the Christmas holidays was "Old McDonald". He started singing "moo moo moo moo". I think he was missing school after being gone eight days.

And his Schwinn. Santa brought Chuck a bike. He walked into the living room and pointed and said "bike". Then he said "no" and started crying. Not the reaction we thought we would get since he talks about them a lot. His Schwinn grew on him and he is really enjoying it. I guess we will get to ride some more this weekend since it will be 70 for New Years Eve!

One more day for me to get the house straightened and all of us unpacked. ( We will probably have someone coming to look at it after the first of the year. Dr. has to work for the next gazillion days and our schools are both closed on Monday so Chuck and I have a long weekend ahead of us. Thank goodness for warm weather.

19 December 2011


We have been doing a lot around the house today. Some things we did just in the past day are 1.replace toilet seat, 2. paint gas heater in bathroom ,3. organize kitchen cabinet, 4. rake pine straw from neighbors and put in front beds to make it look like we can actually grow things in the front yard, 5. plant all the pots ( 12 of them) on the back deck, 6. fix cracks.

After we picked up the Chuckster from school, we went to Lowe's to get some things for tomorrow. Dr. fixed the cracks today. Tomorrow we sand and paint. Chuck has gotten to the point that when you put him down in a store, he will walk instead of run. Chuck loves Lowe's and I don't mind having to follow CHuck around while Daddy shops. It gives something interesting for Chuck to do.

Right now, Chuck is really obsessed with helping to turn on lights. Can you imagine the excitement of Chuck in the light switch aisle?! That took up a good 5- 10 minutes of our time.

Chuck also enjoyed riding the lawn mowers...

Making sure the weight limit listed on the storage bins was correct...

Reading a book in the middle of the store... I mean who doesn't do that?!?

And of course, a meltdown. Luckily the majority of our public meltdowns are quiet and consist of Chuck laying on the floor and scooting around on his back. Can you imagine how dirty he was at bath time tonight!

A couple walked by and the man said, "He looks like he is having a good 'ol time". I looked at the man ( who obviously doesn't have kids) and told him this was one of our silent meltdowns and he might want to hurry up and leave the store before it becomes an audible meltdown.

18 December 2011

Daddy at Work

Click here to see Daddy at work. Sometimes when Dr. is not actually working the ER, he is in a room, coaching others on what to do to take care of someone hundreds of miles away.


We have done A LOT of drawing this weekend. I drew Dada and he colored him which he thought was fantastic. Today he told me what he was drawing.

This is a picture of Marmee and Poppy.

And this he said this was a picture of Elmo sleeping.

He also tried to convince Samer to have a go at it by sitting some paper and a crayon by him while he was napping.

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17 December 2011

Just Hangin'

Chuck and I are just hanging around today. Dr. is working in Meridian for the weekend so will be home tomorrow night. He is taking Monday and Tuesday off to spend time on the house. Chuck is fighting a pretty nasty cough so we are trying not to go out side where it is chilly. We did make a TJ Maxx run to get some baskets to help organize the glass cabinets in the kitchen and some towels for staging in the bathroom.

Right now I am enjoying a little quiet time that hopefully will last another hour. :)

This afternoon we may go get some pansies so they will be here and ready to plant tomorrow or Monday. I need to do a little yard work before that sign goes up. Raking pinestraw is also on my list for Monday while I wait until I am able to start painting the patchwork Dr. will do.

And now just a few pictures of this grown little guy.....

Washing his hands
And drawing a picture of Dada...

16 December 2011

Coming soon!

So we met with our realtor today. Eek! The stress is not as high as I thought it would be at this moment in time but it has gone into overdrive. Tomorrow we will have a "Coming Soon" sign in our yard. Drew and I will spend Monday fixing the cracks that have returned since the last crack treatment we did when we first moved in 3 1/2 years ago. On Tuesday we will paint and sand those areas. As soon as that is done and the house is washed, the "For Sale" sign will go up. Janice wants the sign up as soon as we can get it up. We are willing to go ahead and make the big move now and just have a few pieces of furniture ( bed, rib, couch, chair,rug, and table) in an apartment or rental house. Also, all the other residents that will be leaving at the same town will have their houses on the market by March so she wants to be the only house on the market. Sooo it begins......

We ventured to Lowes after we picked Chuck up from school today and picked up a few things that we needed. Chuck decided he would try out the potties. I think he was some what confused on why there were so many toilets. At one point he stopped, looked around at all the toilets and just kind of giggled to himself.

Alrighty, I am going to lay in bed an enjoy the fact that I don't have to go to work on Monday. I may not get to sleep in and I still will be painting, etc but not dealing with 22, 7 years olds sounds perfect.

15 December 2011

4 more hours!

Four more hours with my students and then I don't have to see them for two weeks! We will start our traveling next the 21 or 22 to Arkansas and spend Christmas Day in Jackson and then head to Mobile so there won't be much time for rest.

We are meeting with our realtor tomorrow to discuss anything we need to get ready to put the house on the market and also talk about time frame ( as in when this baby is going to have a sign in front of it). I am looking forward to moving but it is going to be sad to see the sign in the front yard. Just thinking about it while I type makes me a little nervous and teary eyed. I'm going to miss the ladies on the street. We have all become very close and kind of have our own little group. Our "porch sitting" group that has slowly changed to our "porch sitting while the others chase their child around the yard" group.

Bittersweet. Our first little home has been so good to us.

Chuck Chuck is fighting some mean coughing. He has made it to school everyday. I am actually shocked that I have not been called about a fever or anything like that. He just doesn't seem to be getting better. His poor eyes are red around them and you can tell he just doesn't feel as awesome as he usually does. The weird weather might be to blame. It has been very mild the last few days. I think tomorrow it is supposed to get chilly.

Dr. has to work this weekend so I am racking my brain as to what Chuck and I are going to get into. He needs to have a day just to lay around but you know this child has no idea how to do that.

Not any pics from around here but I will give you just one. One with no meaning at all. Just your typical Chuck with a little haircut while taking an orange bath.... we love just love bath fizzers.

13 December 2011

Speaking tongues?

The newest thing Chuck is doing lately is talking in sentences. He has started putting words together and most of the time you are trying to keep up with him and have no idea what in heavens name he is talking about. He sounds something like this....

"Iklf kdjig izspwpeo hat dklfjlsidj go slkdfj lksdfj yellow."

He is completely talking craziness with his words he can say mixed in ( which I started making a list the other day and then quit because there are sooo many). I have absolutely no idea what was happening in the bath but the child had a whole conversation with me and I didn't understand one word. Which is not typical because we are a one word kind of guy.

The other day Dr. picked Chuck up from school so I could go to a PTA meeting. While they were playing, Chuck looked at Dr. and said "Mama go, Dada". I guess he meant that since Mama wasn't here then that meant Dada was.

Anyways, our new word for today is "deer" ( with our hands on the head for antlers.)

And also, you know the skin was taken off the hand by the wagon at daycare. We have a nice bright pink scar ( the whole size of his hand) that Dr. said will be there for at least a year. Did you know that everyday that little boy looks at his hand and comes to find me to tell me he has a boo boo and that I need to kiss it for him. Sweet boy. Oh, and today he insisted that I sit in his lap on the sofa. INSISTED. And he rubbed my back while I sat in his lap. What a little nurturer.

12 December 2011


So apparently Chuck had some work he had to get done over the weekend.

Our gingerbread house attempt failed miserably. Our primary mission was to eat as much candy as we could and by the time that was done, we lost all interest in the house. The 8 pieces of candy that WERE on the house are not necessarily there anymore. I've been trying to figure out who the culprit is. I think I found him....

09 December 2011

Daddy time

Daddy being home means that Daddy is growing on us.

Chuck and daddy shop for my Christmas present ( I think).

Daddy and Chuck eat Thai food.

The only way I can vacuum is if I carry Chuck around in one arm. It is impossible to vacuum with one arm and 30 pounds in the other. If I do not hold him, he flips his SH$%. So even though I can't vacuum, he is ok with him vacuuming. So our newest little game is..... Chuck gets out the vacuum cleaner, mom drops hole puncher holes all over the rug, and Chuck vacuums them up. I have no idea why he doesn't mind vacuuming but he won't let me. The other day when he first decided to play with the vacuum, he figured out how to turn it on and off. THen, he wanted to know where all the stuff was going and he actually tried to look down the tube ( while it was on). This resulted in his check being sucked into the tube which was a pretty funny sight. He freaked but it was quite funny from this side of things.

Tomorrow morning we are venturing across the street to decorate our gingerbread house. I will make sure I get some pictures. Daddy has to go into work early tomorrow afternoon and will be gone for two days so he can bring home some extra bacon.

07 December 2011

Gone Crazy

I had my observation. The first one that I have had in four years. My mom said I shouldn't say I hate my kids on my blog. I don't hate them ALL but there are quite a few that I don't like and if someone reads this on the blog, I would welcome a termination letter.

I know I can't be given a termination letter for my own child but surely he could consider letting me sit down for a second when we first get home.

It's cold here. I am grumpy. I can't find our heaters to heat the cold rooms so that means the felines will be roaming the house howling all night. My pipes better not freeze tonight or I will go schizophrenic and I'm ok with that because I obviously deal with it on a daily basis.

06 December 2011

Jumping Chuckers

Okay, okay....

So I am having my observation tomorrow..... I think, I hope, I don't know. Geez, this is killing me. To prep for three formal evaluations and have them all rescheduled is nothing short of insanity in the brain. Ugh.

Continued craziness is what has been going on around here.

Chuck's new thing is taking the cushions of the couch and using it like a trampoline... where this kid comes up with these ideas is beyond me.....

He also has a grand time playing with Samer until Samer gets mad and tries to bite Chuck. Breaks little Chuck's heart every time.

We do have our tree up and the score is now Chuck 6, Ornaments 0. He hasn't tired to open any presents but had his feelings hurt when we wrapped up a baby doll. Yes, my child likes baby dolls and his favorite color is pink.

And we are still working on our dance moves....

We have gotten to see daddy about 30 minutes ( which is huge!) everyday so daddy is really growing on Chuck and he is starting to get used to him and will let daddy do things for him.

This Saturday, we will be going across the street to construct our gingerbread house. I will go ahead and apologize to the marshmallow snowmen for building them slums to live in.

Ok, back on track for my observation.

29 November 2011


Death by excessive wiping and diapering.

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22 November 2011

Too smart?

Someone may be too smart for his own good!

He realizes he has to carry his stool or one of his chairs around to get to things he wants.

He wants this....

The bird ornament. His favorite ornament.

Maybe the next picture will be a kid stuck in a Christmas tree that has fallen over.

He is at the perfect age where his eyes light up everytime he finds a new ornament. My guess is that the kitty cat will soon take over the bird's position as top ornament.

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21 November 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...... OBGYN?

Ah... a day off and so much done! I got some doors sanded that the paint was coming off because we didn't primed correctly when we painted them the first time. I also got them primed again so the final coat will go on tomorrow as soon as the cool dude is at daycare. I also go some Christmas shopping done, some diaper/grocery shopping done, and started decorating the Christmas tree.

While hiding Chuck's presents, I came across some candles MK gave us last year that I stored away for exactly this day... the day the Christmas tree went up! I have started decorating the tree and our house smells as if we just drove up from cutting down our tree from the forest.

And my favorite ornaments from today....... our Disney World ornament. So much fun and just what we needed right before starting residency! The last time we can ever remember being normal people and doing something just the two of us.... I mean besides the four generations of in-laws that we were with.

And of course our New York ornament. Brings back so many memories that really seem unbelievable looking back on them now.

And Chuck doing a little light reading before bed tonight. Should I limit his options for bedtime stories?

20 November 2011


We went to Disney on Ice tonight. The fuse blew half way through so it ended early but Chuck didn't know the difference. I had a blast too. I love my Disney songs. It was probably a good thing Dr was working. I'm not so sure he would have enjoyed it as much as we did.

We are also out of crackers at our house. Wonder why....

And here is the giraffe at the Tyler Zoo that was checking out the people instead of the people checking him out.

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19 November 2011

More videos

More videos of absolutely nothing... seriuosly. If you are in a hurry or have things to do, don't waste your time. ( Also, if you are getting this as an email and you can not view the videos, go straight to the blog at http://theweb18.blogspot.com to see the videos and older posts.)

Chuck just couldn't hold off for nap time today. He climbed up on the sofa and tried to watch a movie but we was out pretty quick.

He is also starting to play by himself!!! Yeah! Lately, he has wanted to get up on the bed and play behind the pillows. Today, I went to put some laundry in and came back to see him rearranging all his animals over and over.

And we tried out the trampoline today (against all wishes from daddy) that is across the street. Nellie just kind of chilled but you would have thought we gave Chuck some espresso! Good thing there were pads and a cage!

17 November 2011


Just a few videos...

Chuck has recently learned how to pat his legs instead of clap to music.

And yesterday, we was teaching Elmo how to dance and clap.

15 November 2011


Don't judge the pink balloon. It's our favorite color. And need I mention that 6 fountain rocks fell out of Chuck's pocket last night when I put him in the bath. ( He found his pockets this weekend.) Also when I picked him up from daycare today, he was shoving things in his pockets.

14 November 2011


We are safely back from Tyler~ We had a rough start... a little car sickness. However, we did accomplish what we needed to accomplish this weekend. We got two car loads of things into storage. We found a school for Chuck.... check it out... it rocks... http://www.oakhillschooltyler.com/
and we got to look at some houses. We only looked at four but we did like one of them... you can check the house out here http://www.bettysellstyler.com/listing-single%2Bfamily%2Bhome-19191.html

Anyways, now we begin the stressed out production called "Selling the House". I am in the works of setting up lunch with our realtor so we can get this house listed right after Christmas. We gotta start getting rid of this house. We will rent if we have too. Hopefully, we can take another load to Tyler around Christmas.

Sorry this post comes without pictures. I have laundry to do, ironing to do, and lesson plans to do. I will give you some pictures tomorrow.... hopefully.

OOOH< and the title of this post..... Chuck pooped in the toilet. We got home today and went straight to the bath. I noticed a few bubbles in the water ( i know TMI) and heard a rumbling tummy so when we got out, Chuck sat on the potty and read books. Sure enough within a few minutes the boy had pooped in the potty! Now I wonder how long it will be before that happens again!

07 November 2011

Sir Grumps a lot

Bless his sweet little heart. The time change has been rough on him. This was the first day of the time change. I think he is teething a little. He is starting to repeat everything you say. As you can see, he is brave enough to attempt three syllable words. How cute is he trying to say "tylenol".

And yes, I realize I spelled thief wrong in the last post.... I apologize and have no excuses.... and yes I do teach children.... apparently I teach them how to spell wrong.

06 November 2011

Food theif

The only picture that I have to share is Chuck's meltdown on the kitchen floor this morning. I will spare you. The 4:30 wake up was not welcome but expected. Chuck couldn't take it any longer and snoozed on the couch at 10 when we usually shoot for 12 or so. Then tonight, even though we were all tired, I had to keep him up so that he would sleep until 6 tomorrow morning. I think I may be doomed so now I am going to wake up at 4 just in case. I can always go back to sleep if he doesn't wake up.

One quick story about the Chuckster. Apparently, his favorite food is baked beans. Ms. Alice ( who I leave him with for breakfast in the morning) feeds him lunch and knows he is going to ask for seconds. She says she always brings Chuck two plates. Well, earlier last week they had baked beans and she didn't bring the extra plate. Chuck signed for "more" and Ms. Alice broke it to him that she had no more. Caleb, who is a new boy a school, was sitting next to Chuck. Caleb doesn't eat because he is just not too sure about his new school. Chuck took full advantage of this. When Ms. Alice said she didn't have seconds, she went on to help some other children clean up. While she had her back turned, Chuck took his empty plate and put it in front of Caleb ( who, remember, never touches his food) and took Caleb's full plate and put it in front of himself. Ms. Alice looked over and saw him doing it. Chuck knew he was caught because when he does something he isn't supposed to, he looks out of the corners and tops of his eyes and won't make eye contact. Ms. Alice turned back around and Chuck quietly devoured Caleb's lunch. What a riot! I didn't know he was smart enough to do that.... and even smarter to not just take someone's food but to put him empty plate in front of them. I think I might be in trouble.... this kid is gonna be a lot smarter than his parents.

31 October 2011

Not so super

Superman's day was not so super. No pictures here. Superman busted his ear today at school and it is bloody, swollen, and bruised. He was a trooper, refused ice and continued on with his day.

However, he loves wheels. So much so that he likes to hold on to wagon wheels. So on the wagon ride today at school he was holding on but no one really noticed. He currently has wheel marks and an absence of skin on his right hand.

Rough day for the kid but still was smiling and giving lots of hugs at the end of the day. ( And even allowed ... although screaming the whole time.....me to wash his hair.)

Oh, and my observation on Wednesday is rescheduled.... again...

30 October 2011

Works in Progress

Just a few videos from this weekend.

First we have the jumping star. You can also see his attempt to count and hold up fingers ( we are working on it so please don't judge the number confusion quite yet...)

Also, weighing in at 30 pounds, we have the cat lover.... ( he is screaming Molly at the beginning... again we are working on names, so don't judge )

And finally the dancer. Now these moves are about near perfect so there is only showing off to be done here.

Happy Halloween to everyone! Hopefully some costume pictures will be posted tomorrow. Dr. asked me on his way out to work tonight if I had tomorrow off since it was a holiday. I told him he really needs to get out more... out of the hospital. If only, Dr. was president.

29 October 2011

Our Saturday!

Well the pictures have been slim lately. Just gotta get through this observation and then I'm home free! It got rescheduled for this Wednesday.

Anyways, here's what the Chuckster has been up to today.

Having some Halloween snack.

Loving Molly..... Molly not so much loving it.

Making art with a squirt bottle and some colored paper. After he found the squirt bottle, I had to figure out how to stop him from squirting me in the rear.

Destroying the living room while I attempt to vacuum the house ( and for the first time, made some progress!)

And helping mommy with laundry. ( the only way I can keep him in one place but he loves it!)

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23 October 2011

Poof Pumpkin

I know you all have been waiting to see what my mother-in-law and a pumpkin had to do with our lovely Sunday. Well my friends, the queen of inflatables has made her mark in Jackson and officially crowned her grandson the king of inflatables!

Can it get any cooler than this for a 18 month old... excuse me, Monday he will be 19 months.

Apparently, with age comes lack of patience.... if only mommy would leave him alone while he is reading.

Chuck did go on a goose ride today. He always kisses and hugs a goose that is in the yard across the street from us. ( Yes, we are those people that take it upon ourselves to play in others yards). Today, Chuck decided he would actually sit on the goose. Not so sure what I am going to do when he snaps the gooses' neck off.

And just a side note.... remember to brush everyday..... the bristle end of the toothbrush will get things cleaner though.

22 October 2011

Adventures 101

We are up one more appliance! We have finally replaced all of the appliances in the kitchen so that they all match! Looky.... ( The hole was too small for anything fancy so there was only one that would fit in the hole. We just wanted to make our house more sellable.)

When the men moved the fridge out of the hole, we had an avalanche of acorns fall out of the wall. I am not shi##ing you! The dry wall stopped about an inch and a half before getting to the floor. Apparently some squirrel (maybe) has been in our attic ( maybe) dropping all the acorns that he eats down in between the wall. I can not exaggerate here because the number of acorns that thing dropped in our wall was already enormous. There were probably about 500 acorns... and there are probably more in the wall. I would know. I had to clean them up while shorty was watching me from behind the locked baby gate in the sunroom. So now the old fridge is in the garage which gives me more room to store stuff like the 4 gallons of milk that Chuck drinks a week ( ok that is an exaggeration... kinda).

The little guy did a great job at taking everything out of the coolers as I put it in. Therefore, the emptying of the fridge took a little bit longer than expected.

Also another little renovation took place... unexpectedly. I think we have a reckless driver on our hands. Chuck has running around pushing his car and tore off our laundry room door. I tried to put it back on but the wood is stripped off so there is no longer a hole that will hold the little slider thing. It might be fixable with some wood glue as long as CHuck promises not to ram any more cars into it.

Chuck took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. Unfortunately, we have a slight attachment problem and he would only sleep on my lap. So although the 2 1/2 hours of down time was nice, I couldn't move and was unable to do anything for my observation coming up on Wednesday ( where the principal sits in your room for a very long time and watches you teach. Yuck.) Chuck did get in his crib but it was just to pet Molly who WAS taking a nap in the crib. Some things never change.

And here is the maestro trying to decide if he is going to jump or not. He chickened out...

Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. I do know there will be a pumpkin involved.... I mean MK is my mother-in-law......

18 October 2011

Roller Coaster RIde

We have had some adventure the past week and weekend. Daddy went to San Francisco last week and is finally coming home at midnight tonight. We can't wait until he lands safely so we know where he is and how he is doing at all times. He has to work every day for the rest of the month... Actually, I have mixed feelings about him coming home. Hehe. We still won't get to see him but there will be laundry and cooking that has to be done. So I wonder if he can bring his hotel maid service with him.

Granna and Bob Bob came to visit so this little ( ok, big) mama wouldn't go psycho crazy on her son. I had a presentation to give on Monday so it was nice having back up just incase I needed it. Unfortunately, it was not smooth sailing and I totally needed it. The weekend started off ok. I took Friday off to get things done that I never get to do like vacuum, errands, and buying a new fridge! ( Isn't that sad that I have to take a day off to do errands and vacuum!) Chuck seemed like he didn't feel well on Friday but we weren't totally sure. He had college day at school ( the only college shirt we had was an Auburn one) and he had a picnic so I packed him his first ever school lunch in his new lunchbox.

After school, an open fire hydrant sparked Chuck's curiosity and he insisted on Bob Bob taking a walk with him to check it out.

Saturday morning we were gong to head to the zoo but someone fell asleep while he was playing at the window with the cat. We decided to just leave him and cover him up.

Then we took an afternoon trip to the zoo. Chuck loves the zoo and is getting better at just walking and not running around like crazy. He was extra interested in the animals this trip. Bob Bob and Granna even liked the zoo and the train ride that we took while there.

On Sunday, once Chuck woke up from his nap ( where he fell asleep on the couch), we went on a picnic and Chuck took his new lunchbox.

Then we headed to pick up some mini pumpkins for Chuck's class and to the playground. Yep, this is the little person we are dealing with these days.

So all was good until Sunday night... Chuck went to bed at 7:30 and then woke up at 10:30 and then.... stayed awake for the rest of the night. Yep, I made him stay in the bed with me but he just sat there all night long. NO SLEEP. Talk about a tired Mama, a tired baby, and a presentation that was given with the little bit of energy I did have. When Chuck got home yesterday from school, he decided to vomit all down the front of mom, all over himself, and the kitchen floor. We shared a nice warm bath so that we could both get clean and get teh curdled cheese out of my hair. No fever though! What?!? The only thing I can think of is that the poor child had been up for so long that his body just couldn't handle anymore and exploded. Still no fever.

He was tired this afternoon so went to bed a little bit earlier because Mr. Grumps had come to visit and he is not welcome in this house.

So here at the Weber household we have been fighting something and we don't even know what we are fighting, taking medicine for things that might no even be there, and crying all the way through it. What's next? Bring it on.