31 December 2009

Thank you from the (snoring) Dr.

I want to send a thank you to all of those who chipped in to help Dr. get his playstation 3 that he wanted! He started playing at 6 o'clock last night. When I woke up at 8 this morning, he was still playing! Luckily he is going to have to get on a night schedule for when he starts back to work. :) Dr. is sleeping soundly in his bed right now which is allowing me to get grocery shopping and school work done.

So thank you all for making Dr.'s Christmas a wonderful one!

Much love from the mini Weber's!

25 weeks and going strong!

Can you believe we are only 15 weeks away from having a little angel in our home!! We visited the hospital for our tour on Wednesday and saw the "hotel" where Baby Chuck will be born! It is extremely nice and the rooms are huge! We will start our childbirth classes in late February. We will be taking them with a friend and her husband who are 6 weeks behind us. That will be nice just in case the hubbies are scheduled to work, we will at least have a friend there. Can you imagine me sitting through a childbirth class on my own? Yeah right!

How Big is the Baby at 25 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 25 your baby is approximately 1.5 pounds and just under 13.7 inches long. From this point on however your baby's weight and length may vary somewhat. Every baby is different as you'll soon realize during your pregnancy week by week. Some babies will be born weighing 7 pounds and others 10.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is continuing to mature during pregnancy week 25 and for the next several weeks. The structures that form the spine start to form around pregnancy at 25 weeks, and blood vessels in the lungs continue to develop this week. Other things that are shaping up during pregnancy at 25 weeks include our baby's nostrils, which may open up by the end of this week.

Your baby is starting to put on just a little meat, and will continue filling out as your pregnancy progresses.

Your Growth and Development
Your uterus is now about the size of a volleyball at 25 weeks pregnant. As your uterus continues to grow you'll notice it places some pressure on your back and pelvis. This can sometimes cause you to experience shooting pains either down your leg or in your lower back. For some women these pains get more and more severe during pregnancy.

Some women will experience a condition called sciatica during pregnancy. This often happens when the baby's head presses against the pelvic bones causing the nerves in your lower back and legs to be compressed. Severe pain often results and can occur in the lower back, leg or legs and even buttocks. Some women will also experience numbness or tingling in the legs. For some women the pain is so severe they aren't able to lift their leg or walk without excruciating pain. So what is a woman to do? Typically most women will realize a complete relief of symptoms once the baby is born.

28 December 2009

One down

One to go..... We returned yesterday from a four day trip to Texas and Arkansas. It was very nice to get out of Mississippi for a while. Unfortunately Dr. and I were both sick but were still able to have fun. Looks like we will have time to make it back to Texarkana one more time before the bundle of joy arrives ( hopefully.... depending on Dr.'s schedule!)

We had a very nice Christmas with some wonderful goodies! Baby Chuck had a very good Christmas in the womb! Lots of good food and things for him
to use once he is with us! We picked out a crib for our little buddy and happened to catch some great after Christmas sales! We didn't want to rush into any decisions but when a discount of hundreds of dollars is staring at you... you gotta act quick. This is the crib we chose for our little angel to use! Will go perfectly with the decor in the rest of the house! I hope he likes it! Thank you Marmee and Poppy!

When we got home yesterday, I started to go through the "hand-me-down" pregnancy boxes and found a ton of goodies for baby Chuck in there too! I told Dr. it was like Christmas all over again! Lots of bottles, a bassinet, not to mention lots of duds for the little guy to wear! He is going to be such a stud! So much useful stuff that was on our registry but has been removed now! Thanks Kat!

While we were still recovering from our many sicknesses, we took down the Christmas tree today, which was a little too overwhelming for little Samer. He got so excited about the ornaments moving that he actually made it to the top of the tree. ( Now he is napping in his dad's lap, the tree and the vacuum were a little too much for one day!) We also did some little odd jobs around the house/ winter cleaning while we had a day at home.

Tomorrow we will head to Mobile to celebrate the Allen Christmas! Before we speed off to Mobile, we will take our tour of the hospital! Our appointment is at 8:15 in the morning. I am glad we could squeeze it in while Dr. is off of work. Me going by myself would not have made much sense because I would not be listening. I would be concentrating on not fainting. I like being able to take my in-house doctor with me wherever I go. I told my OBGYN that I just want the baby out as fast as possible, if she has any other questions she needs to talk to my other half.

Kat..... we put the table topper to good use. Our table in the living room has not had a table cloth on it since we have been in the house. Now we don't look as ghetto! Thanks for loaning us the table topper! Couldn't look more perfect!

21 December 2009

All Clear

Well, baby Chuck and I went to see the doctor today. We are 23 weeks and 5 days. Everything was right on track. Our doctors appointments last about 5 minutes. She says "is everything ok, any problems?" I say "Nope", she says" see you next time". So that is the extent of our visits. The nurse checked the heartbeat. Still beating at 154. The first time we ever went it was 164. She asked if I was having fetal movement and I said I thought so. Then she put the doppler down on the belly to listen to the heart and he kicked it. She said that he just kicked me and I had thought he did so that confirms for me that that is indeed little kicks. She kept saying "He is such an active baby....". This worries me. They say this every time I go. They wouldn't be saying it if it was movement they see everyday. I fear that our child is going to be extremely hyper. I am also not looking forward to the kicks that baby Chuck will be working on in February and March. My blood pressure was up at 142 compared to the last time 124. She said it was not a level to worry about yet. I think I was just nervous because this was the first visit that we had gone on our own. All the other times, Dr. had been with us. The first time I ever went, it was up at 164!

Next time (January 22nd) we will be doing our glucose check, our sonogram to make sure he is still growing right, and I am Rh negative so I have to get my shot for that. So Dr. is off that day and I am going to take the day off. So get ready for some new sonogram pictures!

On another note, Dr. is working nights right now.... which means I get a lot of things done! I am out of school until the 4th. Still working on getting lesson plans and centers done before maternity leave. Today, I finished up Christmas shopping and errands. I also have gotten all the present wrapped. Unfortunately, Samer has decided to unwrap them. I am going to go ahead and apologize for all presents. They might have half the paper on them, bite marks in the tissue, and some of them might be missing from the bags. Samer has finished undecorating the tree and has moved on to the presents. I can't imagine what it will be like next year when we have a rug rat in the house that actually has thumbs!

Samer is doing wonderful after his surgery. Can't tell he even had surgery. He was a little cranky when he came home but a long nap on mom made it all better. He is still the sweet little Samer with the squeak but he is all still pure kitten. I guess I should have realized that he is only 5 months old so is still going to be quite crazy.

Molly is still crazy. Her newest thing is pretty much to play a trick on Dr. She has always been fascinated with water. She has always loved turning the water dish over. I guess she likes to see it run across the floor. Now there is a water dish in Dr.'s bathroom since Samer is constantly drinking water. Molly enjoys pouring that bowl out except she can't get all of it out because of the shape. Now, she likes to take Dr.'s scrubs that he leaves on the floor and pull them over the the water dish to watch them soak up the water. We were trying to come up with a way to get her to stop putting his clothes in the water dish. I had thought that maybe if Dr. picked up his laundry then she would not be able to do that. Dr. thought that that would not be the solution ( i mean who wants to pick their laundry up off the floor) so the water dish has been moved to the bathtub. I am sure the kitties will test us again in a day or two and we will have to figure out how to prevent them from doing something else.

Looks like our house is infested with ladybugs. Our front porch is covered with them and it seems as though they have made it into the house. Molly isn't complaining.

Well, as I have said before, my body knows exactly when vacation is here and always shuts down the day the kids get out. It has done it again. I had a migraine on Friday and here I am today with drainage and a sore throat. Dr. was feeling under the weather today. He came home and said he had been feeling nauseous since 3 this morning. I was hoping that some good ol' rest would help out but he was still looking pitiful when he left tonight.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday so far. Kitties, baby, and I are just chillin' with our feet up. Later....

16 December 2009


Well, tomorrow is the day. Samer is going to visit the doctor tomorrow to get a couple of things taken care of. Thank goodness! Samer has gotten very boyish lately ( as I type, he is trying to attack my fingers). I just told mom that Samer had stopped undecorating the Christmas tree, not a second later he was halfway up it. We are hoping this will calm him down a little bit. I know Molly can't wait. Samer likes to sleep when Dr. is home but the second I walk into the house, he goes mental and can't control himself. I am looking forward to a new and calmer Samer. I hope that his little squeak doesn't get taken away. ( Samer purrs all the time but when he is super excited, he adds a little squeak at the end of the purr to make you feel a little bit more special than you did when you first picked him up.) What do you think, you think the cats like Dr.? I am guessing he is slowly becoming a cat person.... he probably really misses having a dog for a pet.

Well, tomorrow is the day. Samer is going to visit the doctor tomorrow to get a couple of things taken care of. Thank goodness! Samer has gotten very boyish lately ( as I type, he is trying to attack my fingers). I just told mom that Samer had stopped undecorating the Christmas tree, not a second later he was halfway up it. We are hoping this will calm him down a little bit. I know Molly can't wait. Samer likes to sleep when Dr. is home but the second I walk into the house, he goes mental and can't control himself. I am looking forward to a new and calmer Samer. I hope that his little squeak doesn't get taken away. ( Samer purrs all the time but when he is super excited, he adds a little squeak at the end of the purr to make you feel a little bit more special than you did when you first picked him up.)

The Weber household is getting ready for the holidays and welcoming the cankles. (For those of you who do not know what cankles are....cankles occur when your calves bypass your ankles.) Yes, it is true! Baby Chuck has brought with him some adorable cankles for his mother. They are not full cankles as of yet, but it seems as though they are not far away. Baby and mom are still doing great. Still no symptoms..... just a belly that is growing incredibly fast.... in fact i think it doubled in size just today! I am telling you... this is going to be a true Weber.... I would bet money that this baby is not going to be short. He will be tall just like his daddy. Baby Chuck is actually starting to kick hard enough that his daddy can feel him..... or thinks he can feel him. I can feel him with my hand but Dr. is still not sure that the kick is actually what he is getting to feel because he hasn't felt it before..... trust me...... Baby Chuck is kicking.

Dr. starts his 6 nights in a row tomorrow night. Baby Chuck and I are wrapping up the end of the semester and will be going to spend the night in Mobile Saturday night while Dr. works. I just finished testing and actually was incredibly surprised at my student's test scores! They are really doing such a great job. I am bragging about one child who came into my room and could not read. I had already told my assistant that we were going to have to hold him back. He made a 5 on his first district test..... a 5.... that means he answered one question right. He just scored a 61 in reading!!!! He can read!!! I am so excited..... and he made an 84 on his math test. That's why I am able to get up everyday at 5:30.

I am still working on getting all my lesson plans and centers prepared by the time I go on maternity leave. Other than that, all 5 of us are just trying to keep warm, healthy, and rested.

Hope everyone else is doing just as great!

Love to all!

~Remember you can visit the actual blog at http://theweb18.blogspot.com

06 December 2009

Fetal Development Week 21

Baby Chuck started dreaming this week! Wonder what he is dreaming about! Synonyms, antonyms, context clues, and summarizing....... maybe not.

Fetal development in pregnancy week 21:fetus in fifth month Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week (and weighing up to 16.5 ounces), but that’s just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they’ll really be packin’ it on! For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM) a key component to any healthy baby’s sleep schedule. While in the dermatology department: their thin soft skin is very red, rather translucent, and a bit wrinkled. Not to worry, it’s not a premature aging disease. It's just their clever little body setting them up with extra space that will smooth out once your little one starts packing on the baby-fat. That won’t be for a few more weeks, though. So for the time being, your munchkin is still a little lean mean growing machine! The beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.

per request

And the belly picture.... week 21 day 4.

Snow Day

It has been quite chilly in Mississippi! Why can't it snow during the week?

Two more weeks until Chirstmas Break! I am working on my lesson plans right now. My goal is to have the rest of the lesson plans for the year written by the time break is over. ( Only have ten more to write!) I don't want to leave on maternity leave and have other people trying to do my work. Not their fault I am pregnant, right!?! Also, I want my classroom to run smoothly for Mrs. Lorthridge during the end of the school year.

Life is still normal here in Jackson Town. All of our Christmas parties are next weekend. We are planning on driving to Texarkana on December 24th and we will probably drive back to Jackson the afternoon of the 27th. Some point after that ( probably the 29th) we will make our way for a night in Mobile. Then we will return to work!

I thought my Spring Break was the week before Baby Chuck's due date but in fact it is not. Which is actually nice to have a week break in my 8/9 month of pregnancy! I do have a little Easter Break the week before he is due so who knows, we might have a little Easter surprise. Do I think he is going to come early? If you had talked to me last week, I was about to call everyone and make sure their bags were packed so they could get on the road to Jackson. I just feel so big. I think Baby Chuck will have Weber genes when it comes to size.

Still no real symptoms. My back is starting to hurt if I sit on the couch for too long and when I wake up in the morning. I think I might need a cane for the morning. A month from now, I have no idea how I am going to get myself out of the bed. I am already dreading month 8 and 9! Luckily I am standing all day at school so my back doesn't bother me during the day. Just am starting to have to get my students to pick up things for me.

Other than that, things are just the same ol' same ol'. Dr. is on OB this month so has not really been working. He is in the OB in the ER and there are enough residents that he just sits there all day. He would rather be at home studying.

We have decided that Samer has no domesticated cat in him. He is first generation domesticated. Although we said this about Molly to and she is just a sweetheart.... an obese sweetheart. Samer is just overwhelmed with hormones these days and is now your typical 5 or 6 year old. He has successfully undecorated our tree. He found our pickle ornament before I even could figure out where Dr. hid it. He is averaging 4 ornaments a day, but has yet to break anything. We just bought something to spray the tree with so he will not feel the need to keep on chewing it. Samer does have a little appointment with the doctor on the 17th so come the new year, we should have a newly behaved little orange cat. We will start the diets January 1st for the kitties. I am getting tired of rolling Molly back over when she gets stuck on her back!

Yesterday I went next door to Ginger's house to decorate gingerbread houses. She had three other ladies over so we sat around the table for two hours talking and decorating. It was ladies that I am already friends with but it was fun getting to talk to them other than out in the street. I also picked up a couple of pseudo grandmothers for those days Baby Chuck is feeling under the weather and Dr. and I have no way of staying home. Our next door neighbor was there and it turns out the doctor wants her baby out on Wednesday so we will have a new little girl next door come Wednesday night!

Well, I must go. My toes and Baby Chuck's toes are freezing so we are going to take a nice warm bath ( which unfortunately Samer has decided he likes to do now.) Samer gets in the tub and lays on my legs so his head is still above water. Looks like a wet rat when he gets out but I think he likes the warm water just as much as his mom does. He can hear the tub running from half a mile away. If you can't find him, you turn on the tub water and he will come running!

Hope your not dreading Monday as much as I am!

26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for a wonderful friends and such large and loving family! And I am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with my extraordinary husband and that we have a very active and perfect baby boy on his way!

Dr. is working hard saving Jackson one child at a time in the PEDs ER today. Baby Chuck and I are fearing the kitchen because of the large lizard sitting on the counter. ( Why is it still sitting there when we have two cats????? ) We will enjoy our second Thanksgiving meal with my parents tomorrow on Dr.'s day off!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

25 November 2009

Still Window Shopping

You will be happy to know that I have not bought anything at all! Still just window shopping. Of course I haven't been at this all day. I have vacuumed the house, scrubbed the bathrooms, cooked a pure deliciousness egg nog pound cake.

These are some of the things I have come across. You don't have to look, this is mainly a way for me to be able to find this stuff when I want to look at it again. Of course you can look if you can't resist pure cuteness.

Seersucker Shortall ( i mean imagine this monogrammed)

And I love bubbles for the little boys

I know Baby Chuck will be comfortable enough with his masculinity that he will wear smocked outfits with pride!


Could it be that I actually just found a little boys outfit with a ladybug on it? Unbelievable! Tis true my friends. You know what I am buying next!

Bringing back the south one outfit at a time!

24 November 2009


The only reason why I was hoping I wasn't going to have a boy is because of the clothes. Now I know why I think the clothes are so bad! Thank you Miss Penny for opening my eyes! Growing up in Mobile I am used to smocked outfits, rompers, and day gowns. I may just have to bring back the old south. Now I just have to convince Dr. that baby Chuck wearing a "gay gown".... i mean "day gown" would be adorable..... I think my chances are slim though. I may just be able to get by with the romper.

I will try and keep my brain ramblings to a minimum or maybe I will start a post in the morning and add on to it through out the day so I will post it at night. Then many of you will not get an email with a post every 5 minutes.

All this brain craziness is making me tired. I am going to lay down for a few minutes.

Egg Nog Goodness

First, I think I might be nesting. OK, I admitted it and now I am a better person for doing so. BUt really, who starts nesting at 20 weeks. I gotta get a life!

Second, I know most people don't like egg nog. I think only those that love sugar, like moi', really appreciate it. Anyways, what could be better during this holiday season than Egg Nog Pound Cake. That is the pure sound of goodness to a pregnant lady. I will let you know how it turns out. (If I don't drink all the egg nog first). And stop freaking out. I have done extensive research to make sure egg nog that I might have partook in does not have raw eggs in it.

One step closer

We have officially registered at the hospital for the birth of Baby Chuck! So when I go into the hospital in a complete panic, they will know exactly what to do with me and won't have to try and get information out of me that I won't be able to answer! ( I even get to go in my own entrance.) In the next couple of weeks, we will do our tour of the hospital ( and cross your fingers I don't faint.... I have gotten over the fear of the doctor's office but not quite the hospital). It will all feel so real when we actually go on the tour. I hope I am not supposed to remember anything they tell me on the tour. I can't even remember my name much less what I am supposed to do when I am in labor and in complete shock!

Baby Registry

Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry

23 November 2009

It's Official

We have a name! Not share it? How could we do that! We want to be able to share this incredible time in our lives with everyone! Baby Weber's official name is: ( drum roll please)

Charles Lowry Weber

He will be named after his uncle and his grandaddy. Baby Weber's nickname will be: (another drum roll please)

"Chuck" (in honor of his beloved uncle)

You probably have been wondering how we came up with a name that quick! It was actually very simple and pretty much the name we have been thinking about since we started thinking about starting a family.

And how could any child of Dr. not have this outfit that mommy saw in the store today!!! (I think Dr. probably even has this outfit.) I can't pass up anything that has a guitar on it. And how cute are those plaid shorts..... breaks a momma's heart.

Is it me?

Is it me.....

or does Samer need glasses? He is sitting closer to the TV than Dr. does! Although if anything, you can tell how big Samer has gotten! He is the big 4 pounds now..... 6 pounds with his new glasses.

Thanksgiving Break

What else is there to do on Thanksgiving Break than to shop for baby.... ( window shop.... trying not to buy!)

Found some funny and cute stuff! (click on the colored words!)

And Kat, you have to check this website out.... how cute are these clothes! These little girl clothes are adorable, unfortunately I am still finding most boy clothes are kinda tacky!

17 November 2009


I have been in denial this whole time that I was pregnant. Maybe out of fear that something would be wrong with the baby or that I wasn't ready to be a mom. I think I have finally come to terms with it. Now that I know I have a baby boy on the way, I am so excited and totally convinced I am pregnant (but still in shock!) I walked in tonight and Samer was SO excited to see me. I thought, "if my baby boy is anywhere close to being this happy to see me when I get home, it is going to be a good life!"

Drew's text to me today " Life is good! Arkansas playing basketball in HD on my new TV and I'm gonna have a son! Now if only I could sleep!"

And, I think Baby Boy Weber is starting to kick mama a little harder!


16 November 2009

More cute things

Been trying to find a diaper bag for Dr.

I thought this diaper bag was cute!

It's a boy!!!!

Yes, this is a picture of what you think it is. Just verifying it for you guys!

15 November 2009

Dr.'s new toy

Dr. has been complaining ( since I met him ) of not being able to see the TV. He likes to watch football games but when he can't see the ball it makes it pretty lame. Since Dr. had such a bad week and we had been talking about not having Christmas and just getting a TV, I decided to take him TV shopping yesterday! We decided that the 350 pound TV Kat and Ty let us have was somewhat out of date. ( Thank you though!!!! It served us well!!!!) We also thought that Baby Weber would be embarrassed to have friends over and not have a TV like everyone else's! So here is Dr.'s new toy. We were going for a 42" but Dr. talked me into a 46" ( I mean, how could I let the guy down, he has worked so hard and has earned it!) Haven't seen him this happy in a while.... i mean except when we found out we were going to have a family of three! Unfortunately the picture doesn't do it justice.

We were laughing so hard in the store because Molly uses the big TV to jump up on the bookshelves but now she has no way of doing that! She is going to be so confused!

Baby Dr.

We have been trying to figure out what our child is going to look like but we are so opposite that we have no idea. Thought I would put this picture up so those of you that don't know what Dr. looked like when he was little, could see it. This is when he was one year old. Unfortunately the iphone does not take good pictures of pictures.


Ugh, I am sitting here waiting. I have 21 1/2 hours before we find out the sex of the baby! I don't know why I am so impatient. When I find out, I am just going to go home and do some school work. Hmmmm, just trying to find things to pass the time. I have cleaned the entire house, been grocery shopping, done laundry, cooked a pot of spaghetti, and am currently taking care of my sick hubby.............. yes, you heard it here first....... whatever I had, he has now. I am somewhat surprised. Usually we don't get each other's cold, except this cold spread throughout my whole class once I got it so I guess I assumed he would get it too.

Tomorrow I also get my swine flu shot! (Phew, a little stress off my shoulders.)

Well it turns out that my best friend from home is due just six weeks after me! Also, two of my good friends here are both pregnant ( one with her first and one with her third!) They are six weeks behind me and 14 weeks behind me. Sooooo I will not at all feel like I am doing this all by myself. At least I will have people to share the baby fat with me! In our wives alliance I would say there are about 13 girls that are pregnant.

On the baby fat front..... I had accepted that I was larger and fatter than I should be at this point in the pregnancy and had also accepted that I still have twins growing inside of me. But I read on the internet ( and I believe everything on there) that I have actually gained what I am supposed to at 18 weeks. ( Can you tell I am still having issues with the whole body changing thing!)

14 November 2009

For baby

Believe it or not, recently I spend more time on the computer looking for things for the baby than I do working on lesson plans!!!! Amazing.

Look at these cool things I have found!

These are personalized name tags for bottles or sippy cups. They can be taken on and off and don't ever wash or fall off.

These are the cutest little socks I have ever seen. You can't get much cuter than baby converse!

And of course, what is better than jewelry that you can wear at a party and your baby can use as a teething ring and it doesn't matter!

12 November 2009

New kitty?

We did go to Pet Smart tonight..... to get litter, not another kitty. I did look for the kitty that I had seen a couple of weeks ago that was so depressed and wouldn't go out for recess but she wasn't there. So, I am assuming someone decided that they needed said kitty in their home. I will say though, if I go back and she happens to be there, I might have to sneak her into our yard and pretend like she just wandered up to the house. No crying episode happened at this visit.... I guess their stories weren't sad enough.

Christmas Schedule!!!!

We got the Christmas schedule!!! OK, we both have off December 23rd through January 2nd! How exciting!!!! What in heavens are we going to do? I told Drew we should go on a cruise..... but he, for some reason, thinks that they will not let pregnant people like me on the ship...... hmmmmm....... i guess pregnant people in bathing suits aren't that wonderful to look at. I am going to look in to how how long it would take to drive to the Keys or something. Maybe we will take a short 4 day road trip. I NEED to go somewhere. I don't care if it is down the street at the Cabot Lodge..... but you better believe I will be sitting by that pool..... they let pregnant women in thier bathing suits in the pool area there.... I think.

So please let us know when you will be needing us for the holidays and I can go ahead and start scheduling our appearances!

On another note, baby's mama is significantly better. Yesterday, was my worse day. Now I understand what they mean by "don't get sick while you are pregnant" but I am going to add "don't get sick while pregnant and you won't see your husband for a week." I just had to suffer through it. On a scale from one to ten on how sick I was, I would say yesterday was a ten! I could feel the swine flu slowly taking over my body. My students would ask me questions and my ears were so stopped up, I could not even hear what they were asking me.... And my assistant was out of the room the whole day so THAT was just painful. When Mrs. Lorthridge isn't there, I always ponder quitting. She keeps me straight, especially now that I am "with child"... heheh. She has to keep my to do list for me or I lose my to do list (seriously.... and you know when I say that I am NOT kidding!). I am having no pregnancy symptoms because the world decided to just suck all my memory out instead.

Ok I know I was going to say something else but I forgot!!!!! Maybe you will get another blog post tomorrow.

Oh oh, I know what I was going to say. Be thinking of Drew, he drove over his attending's BMW yesterday while parking .... (won't live that down for a while.... think big suburban against small BMW sports car.....yup). His name is also in a law suit with this guy that has gangrene in his man parts..... yuh. I mean, whatever, nothing that we can't forget about in a day or two. Um, anyway, be thinking of him. It has been a relatively sucky week in the Weber household with baby's mama being sick, Drew demolishing someone's car in a parking garage and Samer going to the vet tomorrow to get his next set of shots., oh and Molly being disgustingly overweight.

Well, I guess us folks in Mississippi are just hoping that next week will be a better week. Seriously.... what could be worse than this week....... apparently pregnant women in bathing suits, i guess.

09 November 2009

Blah Blah

Well, I thought I would make it through the pregnancy without getting sick. Unfortunately that is not going to happen. Today I have come down with a headache and serious sinus pressure. My nose is not clogged yet and I am dreading the thought of that. I am already having some trouble breathing with baby Weber pushing on my diaphragm but if my nose clogs, it is going to be such a nuisance getting the air I need. I do have to admit that I am in a state of panic because of how pregnant women are reacting to the swine flu. Actually I am totally freaking out! If I don't get any sleep tonight, it will be 1) because I can't breath and 2) because I think I have the swine flu.

What makes my day even worse is that Samer does not realize how awful mama feels and will not leave me alone..... he was nice enough to shutdown the computer while I was updating my iphone so all pictures, phone numbers and applications I had ( like my to do list that keeps me on track since I lost my brain) are completely gone. This is sooooooo not my day. So, if I had something I needed to do tonight........... I no longer know what it was! Guess I have got to get used to this with the baby coming...... don't think I can put the baby in the kitchen when it is bad...... It works so well though.

In the 3 minutes it took me to type this, my nose started running and breathing is starting to become a task. I am wallowing in self pity here. I haven't seen Dr. in several days and need someone to listen to me whine and would love a foot rub! You can't describe how I feel with just one "blah".... I feel "blah blah" today. Thank you for listening to me whine... I already feel better. Now, off to a hot bath.

08 November 2009


Well, the chinese calendar says that we are going to have a girl. Everybody has guessed a girl. The ONLY people that think it is going to be a boy is me and Laney. (Hey, a four year old is better than no one!)

I don't think I can wait a whole week to find out. I HAVE to know now! Geez, I think I am going to lose a lot of sleep in the upcoming days.

I am not sure if I am feeling Baby Weber move or not. I am feeling something but can't decide if I would describe it as butterfly feelings. Hmmmm. Anyways, Baby Weber should be able to hear by now (so we are assuming baby will arrive with at least a second grade education) and should also like it when I rub my belly (just gotta make sure I don't have to pat my head and chew gum while doing it.)

Oh, and whatever happened to giving teachers vacation? I have been going nonstop since Labor Day and I am about to go postal....( there was no smile on my face when I typed that. )

If anyone sees Dr., tell him his wife and his baby said "Hello". Seriously.....

Seeing double

Well apparently buying two doggie beds was a waste of money. Either we are a little cold or we love each other so much we can't fathom sleeping in separate beds! And of course they picked the smallest bed to snuggle in. The feline community in the house has had such a lazy afternoon filled with naps. At least we know they get along!

"Please leave us alone. We are trying to sleep!"

06 November 2009


For our November Girls Night Out, we went to Easely Amused. There were about 30 girls there. It was so much fun and I can't wait to go again. Lat night we painted a reindeer. Here is how mine turned out! I was so impressed with myself. Dr. did not seem as impressed. I had a good time though. I have already been looking at their calendar to which painting I will paint next!

04 November 2009


Today my high school theatre teacher's daughter died at the age of 15 after an 11 year battle with a reoccuring brain tumor. Thought this was interesting......

If you go to wikipedia.com and search the term "yellow", under section 3.3 you will find this.....


  • A phenomenon started by Krisanna Roberts, a 15 year old patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Yellow is used to describe her very best, pain-free days during her treatment. For eleven years Krisanna Roberts has battled an aggressive brain tumor called an Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor. She is St. Jude’s longest surviving AT/RT patient. The tumor first presented in the brain and returned twice following the initial occurrence and treatment. The fourth occurrence was the first time the tumor presented in the spine. Sadly, scans revealed that the tumor has returned with a vengeance and has covered her brain. Krisanna, the always smiling, beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired young lady inspires many by her will to live many "bright, sunshiny Yellow" days, and is celebrating them even if only from a hospital bed. A surge of Yellow participation of apparel and accessories has quickly spread throughout Mobile, AL and other communities where Krisanna's friends and family live!

All curled up

It is a little chilly here in Jackson tonight. Samer decided he needed to get under the covers and Molly thought she would join him. Wish I was curled up in front of the TV too but lesson plans call! Samer wanted to take a few glamour shots while I took a break from lesson plans.

03 November 2009


Every morning, my alarm goes off. I get up immediately ( i hate the snooze button.... i would do anything not to actually hear the alarm go off.) I walk to the bathroom, put my towel on the sink, and take a shower.

This morning I did exactly what I do every morning. When I got out of the shower I noticed this on my bathroom door. The door had been fogged up from my shower but I had not touched it because my towel was on the sink already. I looked at the door and thought I HAD to take a picture! i thought dr. had snuck in the bathroom and written it on the door since I had a pregnant mood swing last night but he in fact did not. just wanted to share the pictures! Love from the 5 of us! ( dr., me, baby weber, molly, and samer)

For those of you who are very confused.... 14 is a very special and lucky number for the Weber family.

26 October 2009

Swine Flu

We have been waiting for the swine flu vaccine in Mississippi. Dr. will get vaccinated October 29th when UMC gets their "employee" shipment in. My OBGYN has been unsure as to if they were even going to get alloted any at all. I got a message today that their shipment will arrive next week also and mine will be put aside so that I will get mine at my next visit! We are looking forward to a healthy winter!

25 October 2009

Getting Ready for Baby

I don't think I am nesting yet because I still have not accepted that I am going to have a baby. But we all know how organized I am ( I have defintiely loosened up since meeting Drew..... I am not as OCD now). So I have decided to start preparing a little bit for baby. Last weekend I brought some hand-me-down baby things back from Mobile (thanks Kelly and the Bubster!). This weekend I installed a hand shower in each bathroom so that it will be easier to bathe baby. I am such a handy man! Today I think I will start on the cabinet locks.... not only will it keep baby Weber out of there, maybe I can finally get Molly to stop opening all the cabinets!

The swing looks like it just belongs doesn't it! Samer has tested it out and says he approves. Molly read the weight limit on the side and realized she could not test it out but says the color looks perfect with the decor.

Saving the World One Cat at a Time

As you have heard me say before, I have never known of a cat that prefers a dog bed. Molly has been sleeping with us for a while now so we got rid of her doggie bed ( not to mention she had grown out of it). It turns out that when Samer came aboard, we got him a doggie bed since he was spending the night in the bathroom. We wanted to make sure the little bub wasn't freezing at night. Samer has now matured enough to have the run of the sun room and kitchen at night and Molly actually likes to spend the night in there too. Well, it turns out that Molly had not gotten over the loss of her doggie bed and we soon found out that she was stealing Samer's bed. Unfortunately she couldn't fit in it very good!

Molly has probably tripled in size since her surgery. It has come to a point where I can no longer pick her up anymore because it strains my muscles to much and makes me out of breath. Molly did decide to take over Samer's bed. You know when an adult tries to sit in a kiddie chair and when you get up, the chair goes with you. Same thing has happened to Molly. As much as she loves Samer's bed, when she tries to get up, the bed stays on her hips for a little bit. You can tell in the picture above that she has squeezed herself into his bed.

So today I decided to make peace with the fight over the bed and went and bought Molly a new bed. The cashier asked me what type of dog I had...... um, i just have a really big cat...... So all is well in the Weber household. Peace has been made and we are ready for winter! Samer got his bed back and Molly got one that fits her better.
Wow Samer is about 4 times the size he was when we got him! He even has his own collar and name tag!

PS.... they should not let pregnant women look at the kitties in the glass cases at Pet Smart. I almost adopted a cat today. Black and white that had been at the shelter for a year and it said that she has recently grown depressed and won't even leave her bed for recess. How sad is that! I went and sat in my car and cried for about 10 minutes before I looked decent enough to go into Target.

PSS.... If anybody wants the cat I can go get her for you. She is about 20 pounds and just so sweet!

18 October 2009

Molly v. Samer

I think Molly won but the diet coke box aided in her success.

13 October 2009


Tomorrow will mark the first day of the 14th week! Tomorrow is October 14th which is exactly 6 months from our due date which is April 14th!!!! We went to the doctor today for our monthly check up. They had to take my blood today.... i know..... seriously. I didn't faint! I reminded the lady that I was a fainter and she asked if I wanted to lay in the recliner. I asked how many people actually use it and after she said that tons of people have used it, I decided to recline! I read the Jon and Kate plus 8 tabloids to her while she pricked the %(#$ out of me. She could have put duck tape on my arm hair and that would have felt better. Oh well, I survived! We heard the heartbeat again (which we have been listening to weekly). At first they couldn't find the heart beat but we had just heard it three days ago and I hadn't felt weird so I knew it was in there. Finally they found it! We go back in 4 weeks and find out if it is a girl or boy! I think it is a boy, doc, drew, and miss penny think it is a girl. Any other takers?

We met with the insurance lady to talk about the monthly payments for the medical care. It still hasn't hit me that I am pregnant.... it kind of hit me when she asked who my pediatrician was going to me........ um, i have no idea......... apparently i need to get one asap!

I just finished actually looking at my stomach in a mirror for the first time. HOW WEIRD> this is just crazy..... weird. I still can't accept it.

Here are pictures of me during week 13....... the belly finally surpasses the boobs. The other picture is of me reading my TMZ tabloids so I don't faint while getting my blood taken. I am pimpin' (wearing) a sweet (cool) high school t-shirt supporting one of our high schools in jps ( jackson public schools). I know you are jealous!

Me reclining.... after tragedy had struck my vein.

01 October 2009

sleepy samer

apparently i have a double chin. how come no one told me? well, i guess it will be a part of me for 6 more months. samer has adjusted well to the house. he has a run of the house during the day and during the night he sleeps in the bathroom. he goes to bed at 9:30 and at 6:00 he gets up and eats breakfast with me and molly. in this picture, samer had just learned how to climb up on the leather chair ( i know molly is excited.... it was the only place she could get away from him). i guess it took all his energy because he crawled under my arm while i was working and went to sleep. it was close to his bedtime so i guess i don't blame him. if we wait too late and don't put him to bed, he goes and gets in his dog bed by himself. if you go in the bathroom and turn the light on, he gets mad at you.... so funny! what a little character he is. we looked up his age and he is 4 years old in cat years. samer acts exactly like a four year old. we started laughing when we looked it up because he is into everything and is entertained by the littlest things.

well, we hit twelve weeks yesterday! pretty much a third of the way through! i couldn't wait until twelve weeks because i thought i would be safe from any first trimester symptoms. even though i have not had any, i did not want any symptoms to show up! luckily i was only exhausted for two weeks, i feel normal again.... i mean at the end of the day all i can think about is the couch but i am not as tired. well apparently morning sickness has come to visit on week twelve. i don't feel bad but i will eat breakfast and then ten minutes later all of a sudden everything returns..... don't feel bad or anything, all of a sudden i just you know..... lose my breakfast i guess.

i know everyone wanted to know about my morning sickness so i am glad i shared :)

it feels like it has been thursday for about four days, TGIF not a second too soon.

29 September 2009

cutest baby

Abby is in the running for the bet picture contest that her photographer is doing...... vote for her! she is the first picture. directions below!

* Go to:www.lauracantrellphotography.com

*Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on view your personal images here

* A new window will appear , type in the event ID to enter gallery:


* Fill out your personal information. Your vote will not count without your name and email address.

*Click Enter Gallery.

*Click on the images you would like to view, if it's one of your 3 favorites click on add to favorites.

*When you have selected a total of 3 images click on HOME at the top of the page.

* When you are back at the home page click on Submit Favorites.

*You will then see a notice that says your favorites have been submitted to the photographer.

baby's new school

i think we found a daycare! only a mile from the house. right next door to my doctors office. most of the children there are doctor's children. it is a very clean place and the director seems to be very good. dr. liked all the health aspects of the school and i liked the education part of it. oh and it is a school, not a daycare. we got to see the baby rooms and the toddler rooms and they were just so cute and calm. the babies were just pleasantly playing and the toddlers all had their blankies in their cubbie ( except the ones that insist on taking them out to the playground.) it is mandatory the children go outside for 30 minutes a day whether it is a wagon ride or sitting in the shade in their bouncy chair. the infant room is really clean and you have to wear booties when you go in the room. hours are great. 6 am to 7:30 pm. we will need to start august 1st and she said that is a great time to get in. there is a 70 person infant waiting list. there are only 16 infants in the 788888 school ( sorry... samer just wrote those numbers for you!) she said some of them when called will say that they are just going to stay at the school where they already are and other infants will be ready for the toddler room. so hopefully we are in a good position to get it. I am going to drop off the registration deposit next week.... ( i told her we were looking at two others next week so we wouldn't seem too desperate.)

anyways we were really pleased and for this to be our first one. i don't really know what i am looking for but she really sold the place. i couldn't think of anything it was missing!

so excited that now i will no longer be stressed about where baby weber will go when mama weber goes back to school next year!

28 September 2009

haunted house

the haunted house across the street from us sold! ( the two story brown house). exciting news because now every house on the street is occupied and there will be no sore eyes on the entire street. can't beat that in a historic neighborhood! if we could just keep it like this for the next three years we will have a great resale value!

21 September 2009

i think it just hit me. i am pregnant. i can not stay up for more than 12 hours anymore. i must go to sleep. if dr. calls freaking out because he can not find me, tell him too look under the comforter. i don't think i have ever been this tired. at least it started on 10w 5 d and not several weeks ago. can't wait to get through the first trimester if i am going to be this tired..................................... oh sorry just fell asleep. night night and peace out y'all.

the upside to this day was i found two more daycares to look at and one is at one of the hospitals and for doctor's kids! yea!

19 September 2009

growing baby

Our Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby is pretty big by about 10 weeks pregnant. In fact, your baby is probably more than an inch and a half long this week! Your baby is also filling out. You can actually start weighing your baby around pregnancy week 10! By the end of this week your doctor may start referring to your baby as a fetus. The fetal period is marked by rapid growth changes in your baby.

Fortunately most women's risk of miscarriage diminishes significantly during pregnancy week 10, and will decrease even more in the next couple of weeks. By pregnancy week 10 your baby is also past the most important developmental stages, so your risk of fetal defects also drops significantly.

It is still important however, you avoid exposing yourself to potential environmental toxins during pregnancy. Toxins including alcohol and smoke are harmful to your baby regardless of your stage of pregnancy. If you find yourself in a toxic environment, get out!

Your baby's organs are developing quickly during pregnancy week 10. By 10 weeks pregnant your baby's vital organs including liver, kidney and brain are starting to grow and develop further. Little details including your baby's toenails also start appearing. On real close examination you may even notice some peach fuzz on your baby!

Mama Molly

Just a lazy day in the Weber household. The four of us have been lounging on the couch while dr. is on call at the VA hospital. The cats get along so well! Last night Molly gave Samer a little bath before they fell asleep on the couch. I could not believe she just started licking him. If he didn't feel at home I am pretty sure he does now! It was actually an amazing moment and absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen. Molly is becoming a wonderful adoptive mama. Can you tell Samer has a full belly!

baby weber

This is the sonogram from when we were exactly 10 weeks. It looks like baby Weber has a pointy nose but that is in fact his hand by his mouth because he was sucking his thumb ( see there I go... I said "he" again). As the tech was looking around and making sure everything was ok, we could see all this stuff in baby weber's head so it looks like he is going to be a smarty pants too. such a big and impressive brain already!

17 September 2009


well, i started freaking out last week about who was going to take care of the baby while we are at work. i have tried to gather daycare info but can you believe that i have only come up with one! the one i have found is a methodist church downtown. we are having to look for very specific daycares. we need one that opens by 7 ( i have to be at school no later than 7:20) and we need the daycare to accept babies atleast by 12 weeks. we lucked out. this church has a preschool and they do have an infant room. they take babies at 8 weeks. they are open from 7:00 to 6:00pm. perfect for us! there are only 5 babies to a room with two teachers. sounds good!

here is the catch.....it is the most popular daycare so there is a waiting list. the lady asked me how old my child was and i pointed to my stomach. i laughed and she said " people come in and get on the waiting list before they are pregnant". what...... excuse me? so you have to put a $150 deposit down to get on the waiting list. non refundable.... and you have no idea how long the list is though. you can not get on the waiting list until you take a tour. ( the director was not there, so unfortunately we couldn't take a tour). i tried to give them my 150 and go ahead and get on the waiting list but the lady would not take my bribe. this would just be sooo convinient. tours are only given from 10-2. that is just bad luck for me..... my next day off is thanksgiving! i must get my baby into this daycare. so do i really send dr. on a tour just so we can get on the waiting list. i am just thinking how funny it would be for dr. to go on the tour.... i mean he doesn't know anything about babies or education..... but you gotta do what you gotta do.

now i don't know if any of you have really been in the daycare loop lately but um..... can we say expensive!!!! dr. had a stroke last night when i told him that it will cost $9,000 a year to send our baby to this daycare. yes, that is right $165 a week! dr.'s response was "so do they use really expensive diapers or something". my response was "we have to provide our own diapers!" hahhahahah...... so funny! he really thought the daycare would buy the diapers they use! wouldn't that be nice!!! my dads response to that was that his first year at auburn cost half of that!

wowsers, so all this hype about "raising an infant isn't that expensive" is sooooo not true! someone was lying. i probably read that off the internet and unfortunately i believe everything the internet says!

doctors visit

so yesterday was our first appointment. mom went with me because we didn't know when dr. was going to make it. i have to have someone go with me because it calms me a little and we all know i am a fainter. i thought i was going to get my blood drawn yesterday. so everything went well. first the took my blood pressure but it was quite high (141). then we went to get the sonogram. i am 10 weeks and the baby is seriously the size of a lego man.... he is 3cm long. we could see his little fingers up by his face and it looked like he was sucking his thumb. he looks like he has a big brain too. anyway, i was just sitting there admiring his big head and all of a sudden he satarting rocking back and forth. i had no idea he could move! i asked her if she was moving the wand around. she said no and that it was the baby moving! then all of a sudden he rolled over on his side for about 5 seconds and then got back on his back! shocked me. i just had no idea that was going to happen! so then we went and talked to the doctor and she was soooo sweet and nice. she said everything looked good except my blood pressure was too high. she took me in the exam room for my exam and said we could take my blood pressure and then get my flu shot because i must have just been nervous. i told her that i was still nervous because i didn't want the shot. she went ahead and gave me the shot and then we all chilled for about 10 minutes for my pressure to go down. so we took it again and it was down to 120. so no hypertension for me.

so yes we are 10 weeks, and we are due april 14th. that means my 6 weeks of maternity leave will come to the end of school. i will get a massive summer break..... although i am assuming it will be quite tiring!

14 September 2009

the many cat naps of samer

if we take this many pictures of our cats, imagine how many we are going to take of our children!

samer hitches a ride in mom's robe while she does laundry

samer takes a nap while dr. watches the news.

all snuggled in the covers on the couch. nothing like a rainy afternoon with the air on and a nice blanket!

dr. and samer can't stay awake the entire football game.